
6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Saga

Nickname: N/A

Age: Late 20's

Birthday: September 22nd (Virgo)

Species: Witch

Gender/Pronouns: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Significant other: None. Single

Family:  (wip)

Occupation: Witch (Deals with health, charms, encantations, etc.)

Physical description: Tall, thin, wide hips. Tanned skin. Hair changes color and style depending on her mood (using encantations). The most common are short, light purple bob, shaved on the left. She also likes a a piecy, shoulder length black hair with bangs and blue at the ends. Warm grey eyes. Usually has a smoky eye and dark lips.

Personality: Quiet, serious, keeps to self (wip)

Likes:  plants, animals, tea, books, dark colors (wip)

Dislikes: Nosey/loud/obnoxious people,   (wip)

Strengths: Strong willed, Trustworthy, Determined, Open-minded (wip)

Weaknesses: Selfish,Blunt,Perfectionist,  (wip) 

Hobbies/Skills: Best at plant magic. Spends free time improving and practicing her craft, reading, drinking tea, (wip)

Backstory:  (wip)


- She's a modern witch but still practices old craft as well as new.

- Born into wiccan family/coven 

- Very private

- Cassie is her best friend