
6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Kai

Age: 29

Birthday: February 10th (Aquarius)

Species: Elf

Gender/Pronouns: Female

Sexuality: ???

Significant other: Vander

Family:  Mother, Father, Younger sister

Occupation: Warrior/ Fighter

Physical description: Stands at 5'3''. Thick arms and thighs. Light brown hair, with a natural wave, normally worn long (can be kept in a variety of styles or drawn as short). Blue eyes. Long pointed ears. Pale skin. 

Personality: Lazy, sarcastic, loyal, Insecure (at times). Will do anything for loved ones. Great listener. Pessimistic.

Likes:  Art, Food, Animals, warm weather, music, horror genres  (wip)

Dislikes: Crowds, bugs, cold weather/snow, being tickled  (wip)

Strengths: Creative, Caring, Courageous, Empathetic, Open-minded, Trustworthy

Weaknesses: Aggressive, Impatient, Lazy, Stubborn, 

Hobbies/Skills:  Drawing, video games, healing abilities, strength (Than the average individual),  (wip)

Backstory:  Reworking. (wip)


- Introverted

- Has anxiety

- Made years ago, back than she was more of a persona, but has since developed into her own character (Though shares alot of attributes with myself)

 - Uses swords and large knives as preferred weapons

 - Likes crosses (Not for religious purposes)