
6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Lorna

Nickname: N/A

Age: Early 30's

Birthday: May 28th (Gemini)

Species: Human

Gender/Pronouns: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Significant other: None. Single. 

Family: Mother. Father (Deceased)


Occupation: Human trafficking (Usually men)

Physical description: 

Personality:  Confidant. Prone to jealousy. Daring, impatient, Quick to anger/offend. Overall not a very nice person (unless she likes you). Honest.

Likes: Shopping, clothes, her pets, beach days, cold drinks,  (wip)

Dislikes: Men, Being interrupted, People who eat loudly, thunder storms, needles  (wip)

Strengths:  Confident, Persistent, Vitality, Intelligent, Flexible (wip)

Weaknesses: Impatient, Aggressive, Cynical, Rude, Moody, Shallow, wip

Hobbies/Skills:  (wip)

Backstory: Raised by single mother; father left when she was a newborn. Wasn't interested in doing well or studying during grade school (Yet, she is very intelligent). Father tried to come back into the picture when Lorna hit high school. It didn't go well. (wip)


- Speaks 3 languages (English, Spanish and Swahili)

- Wanted to join the circus as a kid

- Has 2 female hyenas (Malkia and Reina)

- In pkmn AU, she has 2 Mightyenas. She goes on dates with Peytyn.