
6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Lewis Oliver Argent 

Nickname: N/A

Age: 32

Birthday: February 27th (Pisces)

Species: Human

Gender/Pronouns: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Significant other: Marcus Stauffer (End game, after a long, messy, complicated relationship.)                                  Marcus belongs to a friend.

Family: Mother - Thea Argent (Greek origin)

              Father - Nicolas 'Nick' Argent (French origin)

              Maternal grandfather. Paternal grandparents lost contact after Lewis's father died.

Occupation: Worked in a small bookstore before being admitted. Currently patient in Asylum.

Physical description: Little over average height with messy, brown hair that doesn't quite reach his shoulders. Dark brown eyes. Scruffy, facial hair. (Mostly on chin) Broad with a somewhat healthy amount of fat (Not skinny, thick). Tanned shade of skin, often looks tired.

Personality: Usually quiet/ keeps to self, Awkward in most social situations. Tends to open up with those he grows close to or becomes comfortable with. Polite, non, judging, overall friendly attitude.

Likes:  Tea, cats, books and reading, homemade/cooked food, cooking, rainy days, quiet places (wip)

Dislikes: Loud noises, unwanted attention, fighting,  Not knowing what's going on with himself (wip)

Strengths: Trustworthy, Respectful, Honest, Kind hearted (wip)

Weaknesses:  Easily frustrated when trying to understand his mental illness, Shy (At times), Emotional, Speaking in public

Hobbies/Skills: Reading, Playing piano, (wip)

Backstory: An only child raised by a single, loving mother. His father died while Lewis was still young, with no memories of him. (wip)


 - Has Schizoaffective Disorder. (Has hallucinations, difficulty sometimes telling whats real and whats not. Difficulty maintaining a conversation. Usually has to force self to make eye contact. Poor Concentration.Often experiences episodes of fatigue or disturbances in sleep.)

 - In pkmn AU, he is happily married to Marcus, and has a Meowth and a Liepard. Works in bookstore. 

- Becomes best friends with Kyle (who belongs to a friend) who spending time in the facility. He would do anything for him.

- Often conflicted by his feelings for Marcus, as it's wrong to have a patient/doctor relationship. 

(My friend and I are very aware how wrong and immoral this type of relationship is in real life. We do not approve of such relationships. This is just our fictional story.)