


2 years, 1 month ago



Howard Kyung 






180 lbs


Business, BDSM, late city nights, bright lights, dogs, sour treats. 

Dislikes :

Not having control over something, his ex wife, sweet things. 




Taken (By Sharpe) 


Businessman (Wealthy businessman) 


//TW: abuse and death//

Howard Kyung grew up in a rather loveless household, constantly dealing with the torment of watching his father ceaselessly abuse his mother who cared for him deeply. His father was an alcoholic with no ambition, and his mother worked near 19 hours a day to bring food to the table, though her wage was so poor, it was hardly enough for her husband's habits and their food simulateously. Howard spent much of his time in his room studying for school away from the traumatic instances in the rest of the household, in hopes that one day he would be successful enough to get out of the house with his mother in tow.

Although one night, these plans were ruined. A 13 year old Howard wasin bed, ready to sleep when he suddenly heard screams unlike any he'd heard before, followed by the sounds of slamming doors and stomping footsteps outside. Concerned, as any young boy would be, Howard quickly hurried after the noises, peering out the window in time to see his father dragging his mother out to the well beyond their home and dumping her in. With shaking hands, he dropped the blinds, steppin back from the window as his eyes lowered in horror.

In the coming weeks, his mother's family came to pick up the boy, making plans to send him to America with an aunt who would care for him in his mother's absence, as his grandparents were much too frailto care for a young boy at the time.

In time, Howard moved to America and settled in, it didn't take long for him to excel in school, taking a job at a local ice cream parlor to tutor the owner's small children, ofwhich he was paid well and utilized the funds to pay for his tuition in future years along with his scholarships he'd gained from academic excellence. When he left Business School, he met a beautiful young woman by the name of Beatrice, who he fell for wholehearteduly, and married after only about a year of dating. He would go on to make an investment business with the woman he loved, and through expert networking skills and financial responsibility, Howard's business thrived and he became an extremely wealthy man, his money growing more and more with his age. At age 27, he welcomed two sons into the world with his wife, Ryddick and Felix. Although, by tragic circumstances, one of the twins did not make it. Heartbroken and devastated, Howard held Ryddick nonstop in the time that he was off work, feeling pride in his little boy, and hoping he could be a father to the one son he was blessed to keep, unlikehis father was to him.

Unfortunately, Howard fell into the same trap his mother did, working day and night as time went by to ensure his family had the best quality of life, though unbeknownst to him, his wife was violently abusing his son in his absence. Although everytime he visited, everything looked as normal as could be. Though his son was serious, it was what he'd always seen. He couldn't help but notice how distant he was, but foolishly believed his wife that he was merely an independent child who didn't want to spend time with his parents.

When Ryddick was kicked out by his mother, Howard was told by his wife that he had run away, though this didn't stop him from trying to seek out his son. For weeks on end, he combed the streets for his son, finally finding him and attempting to approach him, though Ryddick turned and left into a crowd before he could even get a word out.

In the wake of his son's rejection, Howard devised a new idea after his dog had puppies, taking one of the little ones and gently dropping her off near her son for him to discover. Ryddick, of course, was none the wiser, and adopted the dog as his own, loving her deeply and wholeheartedly like he'd never l oved anyone before.

Howard kept his distance from then, deciding he would respect his son's wishes, but always lingering. He watched his rise to fame with glittering eyes, grateful that he'd found his way on his own, thinking perhaps he'd been a failure at ever connecting with his son... But at least he was able to do it on his own.

This was, until he found his wife cheating on him years later, when everything came to light. The abuse, the disposal of their second child, everything she'd ever done that infuriated Howard, promptly divorcing her and leading him to seek out his son to apologize for being neglectful and a complete imbecile.

Eventually, they were able to reconcile, and Howard was able to find his other son, focusing now on family over love that made him stupid.

That was... Until a certain vulpine came into his life... Showing him that perhaps love was not all doom and gloom as he had initially thought... And there is more to life than going it alone with regrets.