Hira Firea



8 years, 9 months ago


Name Hira Firea
Age 22
Race Dragon/Demi-God
Sex Male


Sexual Perferance Homosexual
Status Single


Likes Dislikes
  • Flower
  • Sun
  • Valcano's
  • Daytime
  • Warm weather
  • Pancakes
  • Candy
  • Winter
  • Rain
  • Rudeness
  • Thife's


Hira grew up with his parents, Both male. His mother was a male, Who was the God of fire, So in thus when he was born, He was a half breed as it was. Little to his knowlage did he know that he would one day become the full God of the Sun, On his sixteenth birthday he started his walk home from school and was kidnapped. 

The man responsable raped him day in and day out, Injecting him with blood over and over again that was cursed, and contaminated, Finally when the vampire was slayin, and the boy saved, Hira was found to have a horrible reaction to the blood and from that day forward was very sickly. Even though the boy acts tough hes always in pain, Never will he go with out pain unless a cure for the blood is found.

The day before he was rescued, He had found out he was preagant. Seeing as the man didn't know becuase the boy was a god that he could have children he had him beaten until he misscarried.