
2 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Personality - Before the curse: Cheerful, Determined, Humorous, Hopeful, At times a bit naive | After the curse: Timid, Paranoid, Untrustworthy, Crazy, He's on the verge of loosing his past self

Relationships: The King, They have a very rocky relationship. In his time serving the king, it was once a peaceful and quite 

He’s a cursed jester whose tongue was cut off by a former king after telling a joke the king wasn’t pleased with. [Inside his mouth when he opens it blood just spills out with a half cut tongue.] 

He was cursed from a dagger when he was executed, the blade making it so that he would be haunted by the victims of the king's past executions. As he roams the afterlife, all the victims are tied to his soul and all they can do is laugh in his presence as it drives him a bit insane. This leads him to try and find ways to break the spell and peel the dagger from his heart while freeing the past victims in the process and figure out who set him up.