


2 years, 19 days ago


Xaixon Nuvares
  Commander Nuvares

[ ID]  26500

[ Species ]  Zixul [Alien Cat]

[ Height ]  8'00"

[ Age ]  30

[ Place of birth ]  Panviea, Serpens Nebula

[ Weight ]  200lbs

[ Residence ]  Aboard the SNS Chimera

[ Gender ]  Male

[ Pronouns ]  He/Him

[ Orientation ]  Questioning 

[ Status ]  Single

[  P r o f i l e ]

df3za5h-1bd0077c-3054-49ea-8045-98295f0eLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.

Suspendisse bibendum gravida dolor, non consequat eros laoreet et. Morbi ex nisl, tempus at mauris in, varius laoreet odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sodales, turpis at condimentum hendrerit, lacus nisl ullamcorper nibh, sed blandit enim elit ut nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur sodales dolor erat, ac molestie ante dictum eget. Fusce ut purus elementum, condimentum nisi id, convallis mi. Aenean vitae sagittis sapien. Quisque sit amet mi in leo posuere pulvinar.

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Full Reference Here

[  P e r s o n a l I t y ]

Cold and calculating, Xaixon demands complete respect when he walks into a room. He is not one to tolerate disobedience or disrespect of any kind and will quickly dish out punishment when the need arises. He is secretive and does not like mixing personal life with work - though work always comes first and foremost.

[  L i k e s  &  D i s l i k e s ]

✔ Training ✖ Being touched                     
✔ Respect ✖ Lazy crew members                      

✔ Being in charge ✖ Disrespect                      

[  H o b b i e s ]

• Training to keep himself in top shape
• Cleaning his weapons and making sure they're in perfect condition
• Stargazing

[  H a b i t s ]

• When stressed it's not uncommon to find him with a cigarette
• Has a tendency of gouging grooves into his walls when suffering from night terrors
• Very meticulous and makes sure that things are in working order

[  S t a t i s t i c s ]









[  A b i l i t i e s ]

Deadly Claws
Xaixon's claws are long and lethal; capable of easily rending through flesh or even metal.

Heightened Strength
Despite his scrawny appearance, Xaixon possesses surprising strength; capable of lifting up to 500lbs if needed.

Enhanced Hearing
With large ears capable of hearing hushed whispers from up to 10 feet away, nothing gets past the commander very easily.

Venomous Spines
Not just for looks, the spines adorning the entirety of his spinal column house a very potent venom that he uses when in danger.

[  T r i v i a ]

• Xaixon's fur is extremely soft and silky smooth to the touch.

• When relaxed around trusted company, he might purr if you pet him while he's asleep. Beware if he wakes up while you're petting him, you might get bitten or mauled.

• When half-asleep, he chitters if he sees something that garners his attention. This is something that embarrasses him so do not be surprised if he's moody when he wakes up fully.

• His whiskers and ears are extremely sensitive so any harsh attention to them hurts - be it pulling his whiskers or sudden loud noises.

• Despite his scrawny frame, he is surprisingly strong and actively uses his strength to his advantage.

• Extremely proficient in all sorts of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, it is not easy to catch Xaixon off-guard - or to best him in a fight.

• For those that are stronger than him, he defaults to using weaponry or capture equipment in order to come out on top. If these are not an option, his next action would be to use his maneuverability to use the opponent's strength against themself.

• While he has four arms, he mainly uses only the upper pair - leaving the secondary pair as a surprise tactic in his fights.
[  R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]



27 year old Satyr who works odd jobs of ship repair and basic material engineer who was a former mercenary. To be eventually added as the SNS Chimera's on-board repair mechanic.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec   dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus.



Xaixon's mother. She passed away when he was eighteen. She loved him deeply and her grief eventually lead to her health declining.



Xaixon's father. He cared deeply for his family but a fatal illness took his life when young Xaixon was nine.

Oldest Sibling


The oldest child born of the Nuvares, Yrasi was a strong cub and his bold personality eventually lead to his tragic death when Xaixon was five.

Older Sister


Xaixon's older sister, she stepped up and protected her youngest brother when Yrasi passed away. She also stepped up to help the family after their father passed. The only remaining family that Xaixon has, though he does not know she is still alive.

[  H i s t o r y ]

Age 0
Born into an impoverished family comprised of his mother, father, and two older siblings - a brother and a sister. Things were peaceful for the first few years of his life, though things were rough and he had to learn quickly how to survive in the harsh world that his species lived in.
Age 5
His oldest sibling was killed in a scuffle with another creature in the world. His family mourned the death, but life continued on. His only remaining sibling grew close with Xaixon during this time and did her best to protect him as he grew. She also did her best to help their parents when their father fell deeply ill.
Age 9
Over the years, his father's health declined until finally passing during Xaixon's ninth summer alive. Their family mourned, but Xaixon saw this coming and had mentally prepared. After all, his father had been bedridden for the last two years prior.
Age 11
Growing into a rebellious phase, Xaixon began to run with a small group of teenagers. During this time he got into trouble with the law - and his family. He didn't care, though and continued down this rebellious path.
Age 12
Getting into serious trouble, galactic authorities were involved after he struck a soldier and killed the man when they threatened a friend of his. Unfortunately his friends abandoned him and left him feeling crushed and backstabbed as he was taken into custody and removed from his home planet to be put on galactic trial.
Age 14
Found guilty during his trial, Xaixon was to make up the death of a soldier by taking the man's position in the military - a lighter ruling than what would have been a guaranteed death sentence. Accepting his fate, the teenager grit his teeth and refrained from any nasty comments.
Age 16
Over the course of a few years, the young male was put through an intense training that wiped any disrespect out of him. The galactic military was exceptionally rough with him and he often had to visit the medical wing to treat injuries that he frequently obtained during these training sessions. He was growing stronger, and more reliable over time, however, and easily followed orders when he was given them.
Age 20
Now a fully fledged adult, Xaixon worked his way up the ranks with sheer determination and skill. He followed orders with a deadly precision, and it was during his twentieth summer of life that a war broke out. The commanding officer was shot and killed during this time and it was Xaixon who stepped in and barked out orders that lead to their victory with some casualties.
Age 23
Working hard, his growing capabilites and deadly precision during fights were what lead up to him being promoted to commanding officer of a fleet of his own. He lead with a fierce determination that left little room for rebellions. Those that did were quickly met with harsh reprimand from Commander Nuvares.
Age 30
As he grew, so did his ruthless reputation. Any that faced the commander in battle were either outright killed or brought into galactic custody. Now in his thirtieth summer of life, it is exceptionally hard to catch the veteran off-guard. Any and all acts of hostility towards Xaixon are met with brutal force. He has worked his way up high since his days as an impoverished kit - now leading a large armada of ships with lethal precision. Under his guidance, crime has declined drastically out of fear of invoking the wrath of SNS Chimera's ruthless commander.
[ P l a y l i s t ]