🖤 [Boisbéni] Liriel 🖤



2 years, 1 month ago

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Bloodborne OST - Lady Maria


Shrouded by night, but with steady stride. Colored by blood, but always clear of mind.

Presumed in 30s
Lawful Neutral
Tarot Card
The Hanged Man


Liriel is a Boisbéni who is devoted to his chosen Hero in almost an obsessive manner, while many Boisbéni support their Hero on the sidelines or in the shadows Liriel instead chose a more aggresive combat oriented approach borderlining on reckless after a situation in which he lost his right arm and his first Hero. Refusing to backdown he learned how to wield a rapier with deadly precision, along with wielding his innate flame magic making him a rather formidable opponent who will do what it takes to see his Hero kept safe. His hero, is a elf named Frey, who seems like your average lawful hero though due to his own emotional baggage seems to often make morally questionable decisions, Liriel concerned for his hero safty does what he can to keep him on the right path.

Liriel was not always aggressive and cold, starting out he was a much warmer individual, one could even say naive and soft. Before Liriel had a Hero to claim he was friends with another Boisbéni named Prismalea, someone whom he considered a close friend. He was there for her when she lost her Hero, Lior, to another Hero & Boisbéni duo. However given his own ineptitude was too blind to see how deep it cut her. When he worked alongside his first hero Alatheus he was under the impression that she had moved on from her loss as she had a new hero, Inara. Inara and Alatheus were a powerful duo from the start however something seemed off to Liriel, an inkling that that things were not quite what they seemed. Inara seemingly being questionable in their decisions often was prone to arguing with Alatheus, something that Liriel found himself mediating quite frequently.

Liriel was getting concerned for the two as things grew more turbulent and more importantly Prisma, something seemed off but he couldnt put his finger on it until it was too late. During a particularly agregious fight between Alatheus and Inara, Liriel learned that Prisma had been influcencing Inara down a dark and corrupt path he was appaled. Liriel at the time wasnt much of a fighter but in one hasty desision he got involved when the conflict when it started coming to blows. An action that ultimately distracted Alatheus and allowed Inara to make a killing blow while Liriel got caught in the crossfire which resulted in the Boisbéni loosing his right arm. Upon the loss of Alatheus he was heartbroken and while he made no attempt to get revenge on Prisma he cut ties with her. After a period of greiving he found resolve he wouldnt let himself be bereft of purpose, allowing himself to be consumed by his desire to get stronger. Little was he aware that he grief change him as it did to his friend, becoming merciless and quite cruel to one he considers an enemy.

Crimson to White
Pale Yellow
  • Multi-Horn (UC)
  • Hooves (C)
  • Ox tail (C)
  • Low Ears (C)
  • Fire Mane (UC)
  • Tail Spikes (UC)
  • Ornate Ball-Jointed Prosthetic (Right Arm)

Lirel is very proper in stature very rarely will you ever see him souching or looking too relaxed, a little bit is fine. He's very graceful and light on his feet, to the point some of his movements while fighting seem almost like a dance. He has many minor scars scattered about his body(not pictured) while the majority of his heavier scarring is along his right shoulder and surrounding chest area.


Inspo: Royalcore, 80's Anime (Utena, Rose of Versailles), Bloodborne(Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower), FFXIV Red Mages.


Domination over Fire

Liriel's horns give him the ability to conjure and manipulate fire, creating whirlwinds of flames or imbuing his sword strikes with the very same fire making his range much longer and more deadly†. Alongside this he's able to control the intensity of the mane of fire that adorns his shoulders and uppper back, The flames do not hurt him or burn anything that he has on his person and it will not hurt others unless he chooses. On occasion Liriel has used his flames to cauterize his wounds or the wounds of others in a pinch.

†Akin to Lady Maria's(Bloodborne) fire attacks: Video Here(CW:Blood, also video is somewhat loud because it starts during a music crescendo.)

Weapons of Combat

Liriel is often seen with Saber or Rapier, For general useage in combat a Rapier is his weapon of choice is a type of sword with a slender and sharply-pointed two-edged blade. While the rapier blade might be broad enough to cut to some degree, it is designed to perform quick and nimble thrusting attacks. However for combat against an opponant where slashing would be more beneficial over impalement Liriel also has a Saber, which is a type of backsword with a curved blade. While a saber would do more damage it he becomes less nimble and his movments suffer to a small degree. When amped up or desperate he has been known to dual weild both of the swoards for both devistating slashes and jabs, while at a cost of speed. Typically during is when he uses the fire on his blades.

Boisbéni Healing Magic

The Cuffs around his ankles are part of what makes a Boisbéni, representing his link with his current hero, Frey. If harm befalls Frey such as Illness, poison, or minor injuries Liriel's horn allows for purification of these ailments. It however cannot bring those bonded with Liriel back from the death, as seen with his first hero Alatheus' downfall at the hands of his friend. The Chains attaching the two cuffs together were shattered severing the bond between Liriel and Alatheus.


He's rather cold and aloof to those not allied with his Hero, and allies still somewhat get that treatment but if Liriel's Hero cares about them then by extension so does Liriel. Prismalea's betrayal cut deep and has affected him more than he'll ever admit and due to this keeps people and especially other Boisbéni at an arms length. Though there is a few exceptions to this that imply that deep down the warmth that use to take purchase is still there just suffocated by his exterior. He's still not the greatest at conversations or reading the emotions of others but he's trying his best without treading too close or getting attached.


Frey Linked Hero

Frey Is an Elven Battle Mage of unknown origin, unknown name, and unknown morals, thats right he's an amnesiac. Scarred from battle both mentally and physically he seems to taken far to many knocks to the head. Liriel, can just feel something is special about Frey, though he claims that its purely his prowess and not baised on a hunch, and he's dedicated to helping him figure out his purpose while trying his best to steer him on the right path.


Prismalea Old friendship gone Sour

For Both of their sakes Liriel hopes he never crosses paths with Prismalea again, though most would assume that its because he plans to kill her when in all actuality its because Liriel doesn't know what he'd do. He hasnt forgiven her for her influence in Alatheus' death, a situation that is the prime reason for everything he does now. The two used to be good friends so he finds it hard to fully hate her for what happened, in fact he blams himself for not noticing her change sooner.


Sulakan Ally

Liriel isnt a fan of his "Punch First and Ask Questions Later" type of attitude eventhough he's no different. However He seem's to have an inkling on who Frey was before and claims to have been linked to Frey already, however it turns out he didnt know much about where Frey was from so it put them back at step one. While Liriel might have his doubts he cannot deny that when they've run into trouble Sulukan has been a great help.


Wisteria Friend?

Liriel trusts Wistera a lot more than he trusts most Boisbéni, Her motherly nature and healing methods have help him out of many tough spots. She's also the reason he didnt bleed out on the forest floor after loosing his arm, coming across his passed out body and stablizing him, after she departed he hadnt seen her for a long time until recently. Despite not being much of a conversaitionalist he does his best to keep in touch with her and Mordecai, her hero.


Araz ???

(wip)Morbi efficitur eleifend porta. Cras nec nulla fringilla, fermentum odio eget, luctus libero. Aliquam condimentum ex viverra arcu sollicitudin eleifend. Sed pellentesque, erat ac blandit faucibus, nunc nisi molestie quam, a tempor nisl est a purus.