rename's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Solis-oculus Global Rules
■■■■■SELLING DESIGNS■■■■■ • You may not sell a design for more than you purchased it at. Exceptions will be made for additional artwork: • Your own artwork. To protect my art and my clients from art flipping, you must keep tract of art value on your character. Commissioned  art must also be listed on pictures of photos like or where the character is kept so art value is not forgotten! - In the event you do not have you can either ask me for a code and i will provide one or one of my friends can! That way its easy for you. -If you do not wish to have you are responsible for keeping track of value  • Commissions. Commissions of the design that you purchased yourself may be added to the value of the design . • Giftart does not add monetary value to a design and should be listed as -gift. •all art that you have added to the design of mine you own should have values listed! So when its sold or traded a new owner can keep track of the art •I request all designs on be credited to me! My is : solis-oculus - - - ■■■■■* BEFORE YOU SELL *■■■■■ • You must message me on any platform  to tell me your selling, as well as every piece of art is labeled with the proper price or labeled with gifts or trades . This way i can make sure the new owner gets  a proper value and prevent flipping for outrageous ammounts. ! We can add it up and then your free to list it. My socials where you can reach me are ▪︎Instagram: solis.oculus ▪︎Toyhouse: Solis-oculus ▪︎Email: [email protected] ▪︎Discord: soli o spaghetti o's#0542 • i do not allow my designs to be used in breeding grids AT ALL (unless you ask me and we decide reasoning) !  Once and if  that happens you may credit me for inspiration of baby as well as the designer(of the baby)  and the other parent designer. You MAY make children from my deaigns but they cannot be sold or distributed to anyone after creation! - - - ■■■■■TRADING DESIGNS■■■■■ • once you trade a design it can NO LONGER be sold for money! • When trading my designs, you retain the monetary value you started with. OR • you must keep track of your own values as i will not be keeping track. TRADES ARE NOT MONITORED. Your responsibility is to your own character because there will be no money involved! •If you have added your own art, or commissioned pieces from others you may add that to selling.  ☆ Example- if u trade a design and add 20$ of comissioned art and 13$ worth  of your own art you may only sell the character for 33$. Because thats how much you put into the new character. ☆ This will ads to the value of the character but become a new value if the other owner wishes to sell! example - the price that it had when traded to u was 50$ , it now would be 83$ but you can only sell it for 33$(because of the added art)  this would continue after each sale! The new value would be 33$ if the other person wants to sell it if they don't add anything. - - - - •■This rule protects clients from being cheated out of high value designs or losing the high value they’d like to retain. I will not allow any of my art or designs to be used for NFT's. This means any of my drawings or artwork along wirh any design ive made! That way we can keep small artists safe! Nfts are both good and bad but they are hard to deal with in our art world especially as small artists, to protect my rights i will not allow thr above <3. - - - ■Update in TOS: ■ ☆BASE WORK BY ME AND VALUE☆ -PATREON BASES - These may be counted for 10$ value when applied to 1 character. Any edits by you must be listed in a price page somwhere to be sure value is kept and not fluxuated! - - - ■■■■LINE COMM BASES■■■■- may not be added for value except only once. (Like kofi bases ) This way it protects my art from being profited on directly (you may use the lines to sell adopts ) . Please be sure to react! - - - ■■■■**“trade/purchase TOS”** ■■■■being applied to designs the seller did not create. This announcement applies to all designs created by me (Solis oculus) I cannot speak for other artists, but have heard similar sentiments from multiple accounts. - - - If you are purchasing or trading for a design that I created: - - Personal agreements during a sale or trade is a courtesy not a right, and must be declared and agreed to before the trade/sale is completed and this still does NOT override my tos. The recipient is not required to agree to these terms if they don’t want to however. Again, a courtesy not a requirement. - - - A user cannot force you to adhere to their personal blacklist for my design, only for ones they designed themselves. I have a personal blacklist and you can always ask me who’s on it. I will be honest so you know who not to transfer babies to. This means they cannot control who you go on to sell, trade, or gift the design to once it is under your ownership. - - - Once a user has traded or sold the design to you, they cannot force you to give it back under any circumstances, even if they attempt to force the issue by refunding the purchase or sending their half of the trade back without your consent. They did not create the design and have no jurisdiction over what happens to it once it leaves their hands. - - - A user cannot force you to give them first buybacks/tradebacks for a design. Thank you for reading! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me. - - - - ■■■■**FOAL DESIGN TOS**■■■■ I **DO** allow foal designs made from my designs, but as RP ONLY designs. This means when you create a foal, the base value is 0. they have no trade or monetary value. This applies to foals you design yourself, or foals you have commissioned by other designers where at least one parent is designed by me. - - I want foals to be about** love, happiness and cherishing a family's story** more than they are worth in terms money, but I understand if you put money into a character you are 100% valid to get that back out if for some reason you decide to let go of that character. (If for sale this needs to be run by me and price checked) - - In the event you rehome a foal that's been designed, it's my strong preference that it stays linked to the parent designs. I will not enforce this, but it is preferred! Otherwise there are unlinked designs out there that look too similar to each other for comfort and could make new owners uncomfortable. I ask that I and the other parent creator are credited for foal designs (as creator or designer your choice) as they use inspo from mine and the other creators ideas. - - - However you MAY sell your foal for the value of COMMISSIONED art pieces for that design beyond their base design. - - ■■■■Commercial Use of Characters made by Solis Oculus■■■■ - - - Commercial use is the releasing of the character to any reproduction or purpose that is marketed, promoted, or sold and incorporates a financial transaction. This includes things like stickers , posters , propaganda, books , comic, and use of a character for monetary value. (Non Commercial use is always for yourself or things your not selling to the public) The price per character will vary and waver from piece to piece. - - - - ■■■■■Blacklist-■■■■■ [[Vividattraction/emmymursa/ firebug_gc]] [[Mortemarts/promisedeath/ mars/ Wxrlock/ artfordays/ rebellium//thayanarts ]]