


2 years, 2 months ago



Name Riku
Age 38
Gender Male
Height 16.5ft
Occupation Explorer
Affiliation Architectism
Sexuality Heterosexual
Codename MossHatch #278

Come on lets go

Riku is a caring lefika morshin who has a happy go lucky personality and cares for everyone around him. He enjoys rainy days and just lounging about on rest days.

He's generally an explorer taking on little errands here and there but lately he's been helping a small lefika cartographer named Shiru with her mapping goals of mapping the world despite her insistince that she'd be fine. She's slowly warming up to him though and they've become great adventuring partners, so now his part-time jobs mostly include going to places where Shiru needed to go aswell.


  • Adventures
  • His Friends
  • Rainy Days
  • Naps


  • Being Alone
  • Being Leftout
  • Judgy People
  • Confining Places


Riku was born in Acaciia where he enjoyed a happy childhood playing with others his age he enjoyed exploring all the nooks and cranny’s of the city but his most favourite pass time much to the dismay of his parents was play out in the rain he enjoyed the sound it made as it landed on the ground so he would spend most rainy days of his youth either listening to the sound of the rain underneath an overhang or go out for walks in it. When he became an explorer the rain didn’t stop him much since he enjoyed it so much while others would wait inside he would simply head to his destination anyways, he always enjoys helping others he encounters on his journey whether it be helping them out with there tasks or simply an ear to listen.

He currently lives in the outskirts of tucruitora capital with a small lefika named Shiru helping her out with her dream of mapping out the entire world she was initially annoyed by his constant presence but has warmed up to him since and they are very close now and now they go about their days travelling to foreign places or simply inside their small home working on Shirus maps.




Miyu's mate and adventuring partner when she's not aboard the Aurora she's usually hanging around with him and Keahi or their out adventuring together trying not to get themselves into trouble.



A close friend thanks to Tensa usually the sense of reason in the group but sometimes a troubelmaker too because of his timid nature Miyu finds him cute and wants help him as much as she can.



A skywatcher and one of Keahi's ancestors who took an interest in Miyu after sensing that she had a high aura and is now teaching her rune magic in her spare time.

code by 00Ishikawa00