Darren Becker



2 years, 1 month ago


 Darren Becker/Crimson Sentinel

• Real Name: Darren Schmidt Wolf 

• Fake Identity: Darren Alaric Becker 

• Alter Ego Identity: Crimson Sentinel 

• Nicknames: Darren, Dar, Dare, Ren, Mr. Becker, Blonde four eyes, Spectacle freak, Snobbish glasses boy, Disgrace of brother, Mistake son, Miracle Superstar, Crimson, CS, Crim 

• Element power: Red Flaming Inferno 

• Species: Warrior 

• Age: 16 (various)

• Date of Birth: March, 12th 1997 (Pisces)

• Birthplace: Manhattan, New York City

• Current Residence: Los Angeles, California  

• Blood type: A 

• Nationality: American

• Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

• Family: - Duncan Wolf (Father, stranded) 

- Mariànne de Tonnerre (Mother, deceased) 

- Damian Wolf (eldest triplet brother)

- Danny Wolf (second eldest triplet brother) 

- Lindsay Winston - Wolf (stepmother)

- Romy Miles and Robert Gage (maid and butler)

- Vira Sukarno (possibly future wife) 

• Powers: Flight and Slashing the target into an ashes 

• Weapon: Fiery Scythe

•  Ability: He's well skilled with his weapon fiery scythe, not only slashing the target, he could use his weapon for self defense/protection from the enemies attacks. 

• Favorite color: Red, Orange, and Vermillion

• Favorite food: Coca Cola or Canned soda in general, Cheeseburger/Fast Food, Berries, Chips, Okonomiyaki, and Dumplings

• Hobbies: Playing Counter Strike Game, Singing, Jamming guitar, Playing violin, Surfing on Internet, Watching Anime and Action and Sci-Fi movies, Walking out at night, and Gazing the stars

• Despised things: Sports, Green Vegetables, Buttercream cake, Onion and Garlic, Beans and Peanuts, Dubstep songs, Hot season, Beetles and centipedes, Losing his glasses, Bullies, His family (except his late mother), Studying, and People call him "Darry"

• Personality:  

At first glance, Darren seems to be an annoying, rude guy due to his cynicism and sarcasm. For instance, he enjoys making fun of someone when he feels that the person has "annoyed" him. Not only that, Darren is typically outspoken, never hesitating to speak his mind. However, if you get to know him well, you'll find that Darren is actually not a bad person. He's genuinely nice and has a warm personality. Darren is known for being stoic, calm, and level-headed. He approaches every situation with a cool head, even when he feels fear, especially when faced with threats; he always tries his best to stay calm. Darren is also quite mature for his age. Among the students, he tends to rely on logical reasoning and common sense over his emotions because he's exceptionally rational. Consequently, he often finds it challenging to express his true emotions. Darren is renowned for his brilliant mind and logical thinking, as he was born with a high IQ, enabling him to solve problems effectively. 

However, despite his stoic nature, Darren can be intimidating at times, especially when pushed to his limits or when someone tries his patience. When he becomes angry, he doesn't hesitate to express his anger through shouting and physical actions. Moreover, Darren is unafraid to engage in reckless behavior if someone crosses a line with him or with anyone he cares about. Ironically, Darren is the type of person who finds it difficult to forgive others, or, to be precise, he is not inclined to forgive. This nature can be attributed to his tumultuous past.

• Backstory: 

Darren was born in Manhattan, New York City. His real name was Darren Schmidt Wolf, it means he came from Wolf household. The Wolf family is known as the wealthiest household in United States. His father, Duncan is business conglomerat that he owns weaponry technology industry. His dad's company often produces many weapons and stuffs for war's requirement. Not only running the biggest and famous weapon industry, Duncan also made companion with several politicians for business matter. His mother, Mariànne was famous actress back then, she worked at Hollywood. But sometimes, her mother performed in Broadway, New York.

Darren was born after his older triplet brothers, Damian and Danny (20 minutes after Damian and 10 minutes after Danny), both were born in March, 12th 1997. They maybe triplets, but Darren is completely different, he resembled his mother so much. Darren maybe growing up in rich household, but his childhood was not that happy as imagine. Before the triplets were born, Duncan made false accusation on Mariànne that Mariànne cheated on him with her producer, he even concluded that the child in her womb wasn't his. But, Mariànne defied it as she eventually rejected the producer and escaped. Afraid for being dumped or getting divorced, Mariànne swore to her husband that once their child was born, she would prove it by doing DNA test. The reason is Mariànne desperately still loved Duncan. 9 months later, the triplets were finally born, two identicals and one fraternal. As she promised to her husband, Mariànne asked the doctor to have DNA test on her newborn triplets so Duncan wouldn't ditch her. And finally, all the triplet's DNA are matched, including Darren. So, it means all the kids are actually Duncan's son. However, due to Duncan had fallen into hatred and jealousy, he didn't want to see Darren as his own child. It's because Darren is resembled Mariànne a lot. This thing frustrated Marianne so much because Duncan became so favoritism toward his children. Due to those reasons, Marianne decided to take care of Darren all by her own self, she also showered him with love. 

And since that day, Darren's life began 

A lot of people might think Darren had happy childhood life since he grew up in wealthy family in fact, Darren has terrible inner child. 

Many years later, precisely during Darren's childhood life, Duncan went home with joy that he eventually had his own holiday from his overwhelming work, so he invited his sons Damian and Danny to have vacation abroad to England. Hearing his declaration, all people were surely happy including Darren so Darren asked his father that he could join him. But all Darren received was nothing but a hurtful words from his dad and his dad told him that he's never relevant to his life. It made Darren felt devastatated and he left his dad crying, ironically his brothers didn't help him, instead they made fun of him. Darren walked toward his mom and he told everything, Mariànne comforted him and promised him to have vacation abroad together just two of them once Mariànne had vacation from her work. And she surely fulfilled her promise, she invited Darren to travel together, they visited South Korea, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Turkey. 

Not only travelling a lot, both Darren and his mother always spent time together, not just playing together, Mariànne taught Darren many things especially on music like how to sing, play piano and violin. Besides, spending time together, Mariànne always comforted Darren everytime he got yelled by his dad and bullied by his brothers. 

One day, Mariànne tried to convince her husband Duncan to pay attention for Darren at least once, however Duncan refused it and he began to beat up his wife. Darren got scared and he constantly stood up for his mom and told his dad to not hurting his mom, but Duncan also beat up little Darren. Scared seeing her son getting hurt, Mariànne rushingly took Darren away and they ran away to somewhere else. 

Few years later, when Mariànne was working, she suddenly got collapsed and then she got taken to hospital. Doctor declared that Mariànne had terminal cancer and she might not have much time to survive. So, Mariànne must resign from her actress job and she got hospitalized. Darren often visited her in the hospital, he even accompanied Mariànne for all days. Until, right in his 10th birthday, Mariànne gave Darren a box and she asked Darren to not open the box before turning 25 years old, and asked Darren to keep the box and never let everyone including his brothers touch it. After that she told Darren that she loves him for the last time. And Mariànne finally died in peace. Darren desperately watched her died and he cried so much. 

Several days later after her death and funeral, Darren hugged his favorite teddy bear which is the bear was his birthday present from his mom, his brothers approached him and grabbing his teddy bear and told Darren that he was too stingy with his stuffs, so they began to humiliate Darren and ripping off his teddy bear. Darren did ask some help from his dad but his dad ignored him. Since Mariànne's death, the persecution on Darren just began. Even worse since Darren didn't have someone to protect. 

Years later, when Darren turned 14, Duncan remarried with some woman named Lindsay Winston whose his secretary. Darren was really against his idea marrying Lindsay. He even stood up at him and telling him "traitor". However, Darren got beaten up by his dad even worse due to Duncan thought that Darren being disrespectful brat. Since then, Darren received abuse from Duncan both mentally and physically. Duncan even compared Darren with his brothers. 

Not only getting abused at home, Darren also got bullied in school. Darren faced many bullyings by several kids in his former high school, it was all thanks to Damian who planned it. The kids did vandalized hia desk and his locker. Not only that, he got beaten up by stereotypical athletic boys. Damian and Danny also bribed athletic jokes to participated bullying Darren. Not only that, Damian and Danny did shove beetles into Darren's mouth and bashed his head into the the bowl of centipedes. It caused Darren has severe phobia of beetles and centipedes. Cannot stand of these treatments, Darren often visited his mom's grave as he tolds how he felt lately. Not only that, Darren did try to end his life by jumping off from 5th floor at his school and drinking poison but both failed. So Darren must endure all of the pain. Not only that, Darren became somewhat shut in, so he locked himself in his room and playing computer. He made Facebook account and he often posted anything on his status based on how he felt. Two days later, he received a friend request from Bradley Stark and then they started to talk to each other and eventually became friends. Bradley understood his condition so he offered Darren emotional advice and support. Darren and Bradley finally become best friends. 

Two years later, when Darren turned 16, he finally made up my mind that he couldn't live longer in some hell called home. So, he decided to escape. He had made a plan how to escape, he asked his maid and butler to make some food and lying that he's hungry and craving okonomiyaki. Then he sneaked into his dad's safety box and stole $25,000 by turning off the camera. He stole that money for his own living cost. After his plans were suceeded, he finally could escape and fled to Los Angeles to meet Bradley and started new living in there. 

Arrival in LA, he met Bradley in Airport and Bradley helping him by faking his ID and and doing little bit makeover. Not only that, Bradley helped him finding cheap yet nice apartment for him to stay. 

The next day, he went to his new school (Nashville Forester High School) for the first time as transferred student. Things went well as he got guided by his best Bradley and he also got his own locker but then as he wanted to see his class, he suddenly got bumped by Vira. Actually, Vira did apologize to her but Darren showed his bitter cynical nature so it sparked fighting and argument between them. Thanks to that incident, both Darren and Vira got detention by the teacher because fighting in school's hall, his first day in school was hellish for Darren cause he got detention. They got detention all day until the school's finished. After that, he met Bradley again and asking where had he been, Darren told him that he met some annoying girl with purple shirt and black hair. Bradley told him that it was Vira one of his classmate. He also told him that Vira is his girlfriend's best friend. The next day, Darren finally could go to school normally as he expected, entering the class and his introduction went well, but Vira noticed that it was that snobbish glasses guy who brought her to detention room. Everybody welcomed him except Vira as she was still mad at him. Everything went well until Darren got accused that he stole Vira's pencil case. Again, they fought and they got detention again. Darren had been enough of her until someone found her pencil case and returned to her. Vira felt ashamed while Darren smirked cause he felt satisfied that it was over. Yet, Vira felt sorry and she apologized at the end. 

The next day, as normal day as usual, Darren walked through the school's hall as he headed to his locker, he noticed that some entitled senior bullies picked on Vira and one of them filming Vira's butt as Vira tidied up her messy books and pencils. Darren rushed to save her by destroying the handycam and told them to leave Vira alone. At first those seniors were about to beat him up cause he thought that Darren sticked his nose into his business, well thanks to his level headed nature, Darren just smirked and warned them that there were many witnesses and security cameras that made them left. Vira was surprised that Darren saved her from sexual molestation, she couldn't say more besides thank you. Darren stated that he just wanted to give them some lesson. Touching by his kindness, Vira decided to get knows more about Darren. After that, during the class break, Bradley asked Darren to walk together with him because he wanted to introduce his gang to him, so he invited Darren to go to Music Room together, there Darren met Bradley's friends Jayden, Ezekiel, and Skylar. They introduced themselves and they talked about something related to Darren's personal life. Not only that, Bradley stated that they actually needed more member for their band, they needed vocalist. Since Darren is well talented in singing and playing guitar, they hired Darren and this is how The Soldiers in Time group band established. And this is how his story started.

• How he receives superpower:

After the class finished, Darren were heading to his home. Suddenly, he noticed to three people in front of his school that some mysterious little girl were being lured and scared of two men. Darren eventually took an action by throwing a rock to one of the man. Noticing Darren's attack, the little girl ran away. Darren was facing with racist child groomers. Darren got beaten up and they left him. After that, Darren decided to find a girl, he followed the mysterious little girl everytime she ran. Until, he found some empty storage's door. As he opened the door, he fell down into some unknown limbo that looked like girl's room. And there, he finally encountered that mysterious little girl. Her name is Euphoria and she stated that she's not human but nymph. Darren didn't believe her as he thought that it was just a nonsense joke. Euphoria got mad and she told her minions, a stuffed dollies to tied him up as a punishment. Euphoria also warned him that she won't let him go unless he apologized. Not just that, she tortured Darren by asking her dollies to tickle him. Giving up, Darren eventually apologized and she set him free. Euphoria also stated that Darren is nothing but snobbish teen guy. After her critics remark, Euphoria told him that it was actuallt just a bait test and she offered him something, granting superpower but Darren must trade his soul for that superpower. Darren can actually do whatever he wanted with that superpower, it was up to him either he wanted to use it or not. And he finally received the power and his soul is placed in some stuffed dolly which look like Darren. After that, Euphoria disappeared and everything went back to normal as the limbo turned back into empty storage room. 

•Interesting facts: 

- In Japanese Katakana, his name is pronounced "Da-ren", which is combination of da 多 (abundance) and ren 蓮 (lotus). This is why his emblem is burning lotus

- Darren has severe phobia of beetles and centipedes 

- Darren is allergic toward sunlight. So, during hot season/summer, he applies much sunscreen ). Not only sunlight, Darren also has allergic toward beans and peanuts 

- Darren started wearing glasses when he turned 13 

- Darren has bad vision 

- Darren's height is 6'0 ft or 183 cm

- Darren misses his mother so much, he still keeps his mother's photograph. He even never let anyone see it including Vira 

- After he escaped, he lied to everyone that his parents both died due to plane crash. Its because he doesn't want everyone know his true self that he's related to Wolf family

- He faked his name into "Darren Alaric Becker", and he also got his fake ID. He faked it because he doesn't want everyone know his true self he's related to Wolf family

- Before he escaped, he faked his death by makeover the mannequin and put fake blood around his bed 

- Darren adores Rock songs so much. His favorite band is Linkin Park and Aerosmith 

- Darren is gifted with high IQ. His IQ reaches 189

- Darren's role in Soldiers in Time is a vocalist 

- His favorite weather is fall/autumn. 

- Darren has big interest on Space/Astronomy

- Darren's favorite school subjects are Astronomy and Geography

- Darren lives by himself 

- Even though Darren is that brilliant, Darren hates studying so much. Basically, he hates every school subjects (both Sports and Academic stuffs), he prefers spending time in Music room instead. He always thinks that School's stuffs like academic and sports are lame

- Darren's fashion choice is something related to outerwear shirt 

- After he escaped, Darren reverted to Atheism 

- Although he's friend with Bradley, Hayden, Ezekiel, and Skylar. Bradley is his closest friend 

- His dream is he wants to be an astronaut when he gets adult

- People often mistake his eye colors, people might think Darren has blue eye colors, in fact his eyes are green despite having blonde hair

- Darren means "great" 

- Darren's ethnicity is Half German, French, English, and Polish 

- Darren's most favorite color is Red. Red has various meanings, but the meanings that connected to his personalities are: Courage, Action, Energy, Strength, Determination, Cautions, Leadership, Rebellion, and Danger

• Voice Portrayals:

- Yuichiro Umehara (Goro from Darling in Franxx, JP)

- Aki Kanada (Chibitalia from Hetalia, JP version for Child!Darren) 

- Brad Swaile (Light Yagami from Death Note, ENG) 

- Christine Marie Cabanos (Madoka Kaname, ENG version for Child!Darren)