


2 years, 29 days ago



Power: Create and Manipulate Cloth

Description: A very glamorous, elegant and over the top person, Roseda cares a lot for her appearance and always wants to stand out and look her best around people. Although she can be more casual depending on the situation. While her obsession with her appearance may make her seem judgmental and shallow, she’s actually quite the opposite. One of the major reasons she even chose her occupation in the first place is that she dreams of bringing out everyone’s beauty no matter race, gender, or body type and make them shine despite what other people may think. She accommodates for all sorts of different styles whether it’d be goth, pastel, plain, elegant, modest, revealing, or childish. Their clothing preferences don’t matter much to her and she tries her best to make it look fantastic (the exception being Serena. She doesn’t like her lol). Roseda is also very confident in her appearance just the way it is. She just likes to put on make-up and fancy clothing to show off her beauty more. She may sometimes be a narcissist and brag a lot, but she would never put others down for their looks, achievements, or flaws.

Age: 28

Height: 6’1”

Ethnicity: Portuguese

Languages: English, (European) Portuguese

Occupation: Fashion designer and Seamstress/Tailor (can be a make-up artist and hairstylist too wow multi-talented, occasionally models too)



Older brother: 

Trivia/Fun facts



-Birthday: June 18

-Love language: Words of affirmation

-Refers to people by nicknames such as “Darling”, “Honey/Hun”, “Love”, “Sweetie”, etc.

-Surprisingly not much of a jewelry person and would mostly wear them during special occasions only

-One of those people that’s able to walk and run even in stilettos flawlessly ✨ 

-Ofc she writes in cursive


1. Avatar: The last airbender


2. Harry Potter


Headcanons from others

(12) Rapunzel (Tangled) voice headcanon CHAOSCLOUD

(35) Belle (Beauty and the Beast) l3ftpale_

PBM gets a sexuality assignment for a character ~

- I can't help but to view her as Heteromantic:0 Yes_I_Am_A_Person

Flavored like a pb&j sammich. (if she was edible) Revierr

  • She tends to get stressed very easily and overreacts too much about deadlines, she really hates deadlines but she still does request if someone has a deadline. which is why she overworks herself and she will work to finish the clothing until she finishes and then she takes a rest. This is why sometimes she may have very tired eyes or some messy appearance because of no sleep, people tried to tell her to don't push herself even the person who requested said to never rush things too quickly. She still doesn't listen and tries her best to finish it early.

  • She gets "Heel pain" a lot which is why she wears cloth to secure her heals from feeling, she doesn't go to the doctor because she thinks it's just a harmless thing to ever have, so she only wears expensive and pretty high heels for events only and wears her comfortable high heels for everyday activities. She does get used to her Heel pain and wishes she wears her favourite High heels more often, so she does get Medication to heal her heal every day.

  • She likes going to the nail salon, yes it is because she likes getting her nails down but mainly because she likes talking to the nail solan staff who she can chat with and sometimes become friends and this became the store where she can relax and chat about anything she wants without stressing her out. The staff really like her and sometimes give pedicures for free because she is such a great customer to be around but Roseda denies it and still gives them money.

  • She Has too many sketchbooks that fill up her space and she prefers Traditional over digital. So she has hired someone to make a big room just to store her sketchbooks and put them in origination. She denies having a problem hoarding too many sketches and some sketchbooks bought and never used and just laying around somewhere in her house. Her sketchbook Room is very precious to her so she has security measures to secure her entire sketchbook (Like a bank but filled with sketchbooks) no matter how old they are she still places her heart in them worth than anything else.

  • If people ask her if they should take off their glasses for the "Perfect look" she refuses because she hates the cliche in movies were having your glasses off makes you more attractive and she thinks that everyone with glasses is beautiful no matter if you wear them are not. she still don't why people in movies do that. Flashback_arts65
Very much getting flirty and affectionate drunk vibes. Like the sort who will literally just gush her secrets if you ask the right questions. I feel like she might be a bit of a lightweight as well. Very, very social. The type that gives other ladies pep talks in the bathroom. (What kind of drunk is the OC above you?) SapphireBatWings

headcanon1: Her cursive writing changes for those whom she writes on ocassion or casual. With business letters, somehow her writing is a bit slanted.
headcanon2: She would like to learn guitar or any other string instrument, but just doesn't seem to have the time. Her favorite is the large harp. One of relative was a famous harpist!
headcanon3: Roseda's favorite drink is lime mojito! purenai