$85's Comments

would you do 45 for this kiddo? aaaaa (please do lemme know if thats low aaaa sobs)


Sorry I actually spent $85 for this character so I’d like that much or around it 😭

NO UR SO GOOD FAM!!! actually,,,i found two others i wanted to offer up on and was wondering if you could do a slight discount deal for all three of em? the other two were https://toyhou.se/20775305.55#62823493 and https://toyhou.se/5172533.cindernoct- and if ur willing, i could do 160 on all three? (80 for this kid, 50 on the red, and 30 on the black kiddo in stead of a combined 170 for all three) Id prefer if it was half now and half in 2 weeks, but if u want upfront i can do that owo <3 lemme know if that works for ya! (edit, wrong link aaaaa)


i'd much prefer full if that is okay! i am anxious with payments that go for weeks

No worries can do! Lemme know where to send the 160 and I'll send it asap!♡


ill dm you my paypal! :) just lmk when you send 

3 Replies