Flickering Harvest



2 years, 1 month ago



" Flicker / Harvest "

100 moons - Non-binary - He/they - Link

Black-based copper ticked tabby


Village Baker

Attack ------

Defense ---- ●●

Hunting ----

Swimming -- ●●

Herbs ------

Magic ------ ○☆


Tyro --------- none

Mate -------- none

Friends ------ Spirited Pansy, wheat.

Enemies ----- none


Flickering Harvest was born into a life of agriculture and never really spent much time with other cats, hence his innate ability to slip away from conversations and social interactions. But despite his lack of friends, he quite content living the life of a farm cat. He rises in the morn' and goes to bed late at night after watching lightin' bugs hop around.

His mother mostly raised him, since his father died when he was a wee kitten due to a wild wolf attack. Flicker loved his mother dearly, and she was his main friend and confidante. She taught him to play the banjo, reap and sow wheat, and how to enjoy the simpler things in life, like the way the sun shines on the flax, and the wind ripples through the grass.

After a couple bountiful harvests and reassured full bellies, Harvest opened a sweet little bakery, to make a larger profit from his crop, and to spread even more joy. It still stands today, and he has many regular customers, like Spirited Pansy and Love-struck Calypso. Those two used to always come in at different times, barely missing each other, until recently. Now they come in together, tail entwined. Flickering Harvest didn't mind the extra happiness they brought in with them. c:


Flickering - His social interactions be like

Harvest - Generations of farmers have tilled and tended his homeland, reaping many harvests


• Extremely shy, only interacts with cats when doing business

• Often has wheat in his fur

• Only weapon ever used would be a sickle

[ nr ] expression

[ c ] teeth, eye shape, ear tufts, min fur, shorter tail