Uemina Kotoru



Uemina Kotoru
age  19(before TS) - 21(after TS)  

gender   Female 

birthday   08.11(Leo) 

height   160cm 

 Occupation  Pirate Hunter 

Cherfull Friendly Motivated Purposful Weird

Kotoru is mostly a cherful person who likes to meet new people, but sometimes she wants to get to know people to agressively and it's almost impossible to run away from her when she decides that she want to know you, so she is sometimes a bit annoying. Beside that it's really easy to get along well with her and she has a pleasant personality. Just sometimes a weirdo...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum dolor urna, sit amet molestie mi pulvinar vel. Ut scelerisque malesuada vestibulum. Phasellus nec finibus nunc, et posuere eros. Etiam ac tempor risus, eu iaculis ex. Cras gravida gravida facilisis. Maecenas egestas fermentum leo vel lobortis.

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