
6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Fault/crack in the galaxy




Memory Warden


N/A (they/them pronouns)



Cryptid Type:

Outer atmosphere cryptid


Friend maker


Urging Voice, unknown entity


Flaws, inclusions, Urging Voice


Being unneeded, stress, losing control


A fairly new and recent space being born into Earth's galaxy with the knowledge of knowing why they were created. Fault feels unsettled about their existence, questioning if they should be present and alive at all. They hold the key to Urging Voice's memories and the events during the the calamitous fight between Wormhole and the Devourer. By becoming a memory warden, Fault watches over the delicate memories of Urging Voice and another unknown being. Despite knowing the appearance of the unknown entity, they haven't seen them in person.

Fault spends the majority of their time hanging about on Earth's soil. They're interested in flawed creatures and show great empathy for them. Although not powerful enough to travel freely like Wormhole or Aether, Fault can move great distances by splicing space and shifting themself over. Their existence seems to warp the space around, wavering aggressively when under pressure or stress.


Deep inside Fault, they fear losing themself to the memories of two deadly creatures. They're constantly pondering of being unneeded and unnecessary, increasing their fear of disappearing for good. Fault covers their anxiety through self-deprecating jokes and laughing at their own issues. They view and call themself a "fault in the galaxy"; a broken, defected, and flawed being who shouldn't be alive. Fault tenaciously believes their memories belong to their rightful owners and all the memories of good, bad, and everything in between should not be in their hands. They feel guilty about lying and avoiding specific questions about their memories.

Fault's enjoyment of flawed creatures is due to their fascination of how creatures cope and act around it. They vary from one another with some avoiding, solving, or maneuvering around them. These difficulties make Fault feel normal, that they're not living a lie and exist for a reason. They only wish to build a life full of new memories.


Fault may know why they were created in the first place, but they do not recall how they were created. The memories of their creation are not present, instead filled with the memories of Urging Voice and the other unknown entity. Urging Voice convinces them to explore Earth's soil to make new friends with the inhabitants. Fault, with no choice or say, accepts the request and now roams Earth seeking answers, validation, and a reason to even exist. Maybe even find someone just like them...


The two large horns protruding from Fault's head are handles of void whips that can be pulled out and used for combat. They cut into objects easily, teleporting the cut parts into a void where their molecules are dispersed and scattered across the endless void. Creatures/objects can be cut in half and detached from the rest, making these whips hazardous. They can also be used to grab a hold of objects or creatures without being spliced through. These horns assist in shifting their position from one point to another as quick travel, warping the space around them by cutting and pasting themselves. The void whips can be protruded from Fault's form, acting as extra appendages. They see no use for them except for defending or capturing someone.

Like all powerful space cryptids, Fault can mark a host to act as a teleportation focus, used in tracking their position at any time. It can be done by slicing into the being and leaving a void scar, sometimes bringing from little to great pain depending on the creature. The larger the mark, the less effort it takes to track the creature. These scar(s) reflect the shimmering void and appear on the host when the originator is nearby, but disappear when out of range.

Extra Info:

  • Is willing to mark creatures with many faults:
    • They're able to mark more than one creature, unlike the rest of the Cracked Constellation Crew
  • Has a great love for humans:
    • Humans are always flawed in Fault's standards
  • Accidentally made creatures see their memories through physical contact, shocking the creature from a flow of rushing memories:
    • Fault apologizes about being unable to control and suppress their memory flow
  • Fault is quite fond of Urging Voice (UG) who has been nice to them despite taking their memories:
    • Much to Fault's relief, every Cracked Constellation being seems to be accepting of Fault
  • Keeps flinching around Janus, scared something bad will happen:
    • Janus tends to act hyper active, but isn't hostile towards Fault