
2 years, 1 month ago


Charletta Harker, aka. "Chel", was an inspired student of the Piltover School of Progress. She began studying Jayce's Hextech sciences at an early age, and graduated top of her class despite being the youngest of the group.

House Harker is a family of inventors, and Chel's father remained her source of financial support. Along with her uncle, who often assisted her on her less admirable projects, she began research and work on Hextech Robotics and Cybernetics.

A brilliant mind is often prone to accidents, however, and her early research yielded some unexpected results. 

Her uncle was forced to destroy her first creation after a miscalculation, but it managed to maim the young girl first.

The man carried her, bleeding, to the only place that was notorious for not asking questions:

The Undercity of Zaun.

She was assessed by a machinist, a scientist named Viktor. In the new glow of Chemtech research, she was quickly reconstructed with a metal arm and Chempump modifications. Her spine was fitted with a stabilizer, able to inject small doses of "Shimmer" into her nervous system during moments of distress or in response to adrenaline.

All paid for in cash, of course, an unknown courtesy from her father and benefactor, provided in secret by her uncle.

She continued her work after only a week of recovery, beginning immediately with modifying her own augments. She invented a multi-tool, which she calls her Hexratchet Staff, and with its help, provides the city of Piltover with a quick and easy repair service. This also helps Chel further her knowledge of Hextech and Chemtech, in hopes she will use it in future projects from the comfort of her family's garage.