Tomatopaw (original bio)



Name Tomato
Age 15
Gender Masc Enby
Species Cat
Sexuality Lesbian
Demeanor Confident
Theme Me Want Bite

Tomato soup

Telling stories

Cozy fall mornings

Playing the harmonica

Staying up late



Michael Jackson /ij

Charismatic . Confident . Athletic

Tomato is a very charming person. He is considerate, selfless, and inclusive of the people around him. He is comfortable with himself as a person and rarley has self-doubt. He loves moving and exersicing. He is in cross country and is really good at it. He's really good at playing the harmonica and on the weeekends he'll typically do street performing (busking) downtown. One of his favorite things to do besides play the harmonica is write lists of things that look/should be edible but aren't. Most people find this very weird.

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