Tariya Zamanaki



2 years, 1 month ago


A kunoichi of the Hidden Sand and Jinchuuriki, Tariya uses her mastery of sand and fire-style to encase her enemies in glass. The Zamanaki clan is notorious for raising sand hounds as summons for the shinobi of Sunagakure. They are also known for their kekkei genkai, Zarukeigan, which saps the special abilities from foes to use as their own for a short time.

When Tariya was young, her family prided itself in their familiarity with the people of the village, despite a dark intention in the patriarchs. Her brother Kaiden was the shining pupil of the clan, showing exceptional prowess in both weapons handling and fighting seamlessly alongside the hounds their family bred. As a loving sibling, Kaiden was very torn when his young sister was chosen to host a terrible beast. He feared she would not survive the sealing jutsu, and despite his best efforts, could not convince their stern father to reconsider.

Before the ceremony, Tariya was a gentle soul, a young lady training in the ninja academy with high hopes to become a successful ninja and fight for her village. She found a friend in a young boy named Gaara, and couldn't understand why the other children ran in fear when the young boy was around.

A cold evening befell the desert, and Tariya was taken from her bed, to awake bound and in a strange cavern lit by torches. As she struggled, a handful of familiar faces emerged from the shadows, including her father. Her screams were muffled by the cloth covering her mouth, and a searing pain coarsed through her tiny body as boiling chakra flowed into her. She blacked out, hearing a growling voice in her head. When she awoke once again, her hands were tipped with claws, and she watched in torment as the beast, through her, tore her entire family apart in spite.

The creature left her beloved brother for last, and allowed the girl control of her body with Kaiden's blood on her hands.

With nothing left, she curled into the ruins of her childhood home, wishing she understood the meaning behind the horrible fate she had brought upon her family.

She was found shaking and charred by Baki, a Sunagakure jonin, and nursed to health by the medical squad in the hospital.

Later in her years, she began channeling her power, communicating with the beast inside her, and soon became a powerful jinchuuriki alongside her fellow ninja.