Ceratos Balraac



2 years, 1 month ago


Ceratos grew up in a small farm town called Acrin. He is the favorite of many of the townsfolk, and is often referred to as an honorary hero.

He is strong and charismatic, taking the best traits from both his Barbarian and Bard typing. He was gifted a small lute from his mother at a young age, and has refused to upgrade his favorite instrument, even though it is now much too small, and he enjoys the sound of makes when he plays the strings with his talons. 

He joined a ragtag group of adventurers when they met in the city one day,  and they continue to have wonderful, heartbreaking and powerful journeys together.

He weilds both a New-Moon Blade and a Sunblade, having acquired the latter from a beloved comrade who fell in battle. He plans to use this weapon to slay the Necromancer who killed its previous host, showing no mercy.