Renkhaleesh al om Sha-ad



2 years, 1 month ago


The Belkilk Desert is a barren wasteland, only home to beasts and sandstorms. 

In a small corner of the wide-open sandscape, a few merchants have set up a quirky bazaar, where travelers can rest before foolishly making their attempt to brave the wild desert.

It is in this bazaar that Ren'Sha-ad was raised, among the merchants who adopted her. She was shown kindness by a few, and the others were merely means of sustainable food and drink, and she practiced her thieving skills on their stands.

She became a successful Rogue and Theif, even though she never strayed beyond the desert.

She became lost one afternoon, as a horrible storm blew through the shops. With the cover of a cloak, she made her way through the storm and into the crown city of Sol in the country of Corona, a splendidly sparkling palace high above her and streets paved in gold. 

It was wonderful, all this wealth for the taking. Things didn't go as planned however, and in an unfortunate turn of events, she found herself captured by Coronese military and forced onto an escort mission to recover a prisoner on their way into the city, along with a select group of adventurers to be paid by the Corona royalty.

So begins a glorious adventure of riches, fight clubs, pirates, and very little comprehensible speech.

Ren enjoys climbing to tall places and using her wings to glide silently to her target for assassinations. She also enjoys bunny-kicking like a kangaroo.