Physalis Cookie



2 years, 1 month ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Physalis Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: Phy
Titles: None
Age: Unknown (died at the age of 30)
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Animated Cookie (undead, lich)
Birthday: August 12th
Occupation: None
Powers: Possible plant magic, regeneration
Living Family: Ossein Cookie (husband), Belladonna Cookie (daughter), Poha Cookie (father, estranged), Groundcherry Cookie (mother, estranged)
Hometown: Flaxseed
Current Residence: -tba-

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’8”
Body: Tan
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Green
Body Type: In life, she was quite physically fit from daily farmwork, but after dying for a few years and then being forcefully raised from death, she was rail thin. Now that she’s getting back into the groove of “living”, she’s gradually getting her old physique back.
Distinguishing Marks: A mole in the middle of her left cheek, and a Y-shaped autopsy incision down her torso.
Left or Right-Handed: Ambidextrous
Quirks/Habits: Runs her fingers along her scar (when applicable) when remembering the night she was raised.
Voice/Voiceclaim: Heidi Phillips

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: Several organs were removed by the necromancer who raised her for unknown reasons, including but not limited to her stomach, a kidney, and a few minor, non-vital organs. Somehow, due to the magic that keeps her going, she’s unaffected by any of this.
Blood Type: Strawberry
Disorders: Developed some anxious tendencies after her resurrection
Other Notes: Physalis doesn’t need to eat or drink, but can still do so if she wants. Due to not having a stomach, whatever she ingests just kinda disappears when it reaches the end of her esophagus.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English
Positive Traits: Friendly, compassionate, honest, loyal, reliable
Neutral Traits: Stubborn, sentimental, occasionally snarky
Negative Traits: Somewhat insecure
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Returning to death feeling unfulfilled, auditory distortion, hospitals
Secrets: Her lich status


General Likes: Family, gardening, children/babies, songwriting and poetry, playing the acoustic guitar, animals, cooking, catching fireflies, acrylic painting, hot baths, nature, music, gentle rain, love stories, birdsong
General Dislikes: Necromancy, garden pests, confusing technology, snobbish attitudes, alcohol, politics, math, loud noises, carbonated drinks, arguing, brussel sprouts, snakes, overly processed foods
Animal: Armadillos
Color: Gold
Food: Chili
Drink: Iced tea
Music Genre: Acoustic
Season: Autumn
Flower: Daffodils


Best Friend(s): Ossein
Other Friends: None/tba
Acquaintances: None/tba
Significant Other(s): Ossein
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Pets: -tba-


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Leo sun, Virgo moon
Celtic Zodiac: Hazel
Birthstone: Peridot
Birth Flower: Gladiolus
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Physalis died as a result of a brain injury sustained in a bus accident. At first, everything seemed fine, but over time, her condition started to deteriorate. In the months leading up to her death, she couldn’t even breathe or eat on her own, needing machines to do it for her. After being resurrected, she’s regained several bodily functions she had lost, though she needed several weeks to be able to walk again due to muscle atrophy, and she still has moments of dizziness and vertigo.
  • Though she would love to see her parents again after her resurrection, Physalis still distances herself from them since she doesn’t want to confuse or possibly traumatize them.
  • Physalis prefers to use her own home-grown vegetables while cooking.
  • Physalis is usually very frugal with her money, trying to save it for important things even when she’s tempted to treat herself. Even when given money for the sole purpose of spending it on herself, she’s reluctant to spend it all.
  • Before her death, Physalis always wanted to get married and have children, but after her accident, she feared she would never get to.
  • Physalis refers to her parents as “Ma” and “Pop”.
  • Physalis’ dislike of snakes doesn’t stem from fear, but rather memories of snakes getting into her family’s chicken coop and gorging themselves on the eggs.
  • Physalis has an extensive collection of journals with old poetry and song ideas in them. She also collects various knick-knacks she finds in thrift stores and flea markets.