HU3476 Hugo



6 years, 6 months ago


Name: HU3476 Hugo

NicknamesHugo, H, or Hue

Age: ???

Species: Dark

Note: Hugo is a very.... open-minded Darkling. Or a very bad one. Off her planet, she’s not shy to take off her mask. (really I just Love her freaking Eye!!)

Gender: Genderless (She/Her)

Height: 4 foot

Occupation: Merchant

Other: Hugo is a Merchant on her home planet. Of course to gather the wares she's selling she is sometimes required to travel off world to make trades and buy recourses to sell back home. She sells just about anything, from foods to strange alien clothing. Hue is a Master of Agreements; she could trade a penny for a diamond (but she tires to be fair in all trades and sales).

extra: Okay. Okay, Darklings are telepathic but I'd like to imagine Hugo's mind "voice" sounds sorta like Allegra Clark as Josephine Montilyet from Dragon Age Inquisition. I don't know why but I feel it fits. P.S. Josephine is best Ambassador.

Hugo (c) Me

The Dark (c) Kodoukat