Amarok Wolfbane



2 years, 1 month ago



48322902_Sth1YDnriDiBZHy.jpg HP 100%
Attack 85%
Defense 90%
Speed 75%
Dexterity 80%
Intellect 85%
Charisma 90%
Luck 50%


Name Amarok Wolfbane
Calling Amarok
Age 34 Years Old
Gender Male
Origin The Hollow Lands
Race Mortal
Occupation Warlock
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 6'2
Build Muscular
Demeanor Dominant, Alluring, & Manipulative
Value $$$
HTML Pinky

"You’re mine to build…and you’re mine to break."

  • Power
  • Having control over others
  • Causing havoc
  • Dark magic
  • Being questioned
  • Peace
  • Light magic
  • Lack of control/respect


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Powerful Magical Abilities

Natural Born Leader


Alluring & Charming



Seriously Dangerous

Unwavering God Complex


Skills & Abilities

Dark & Chaotic Magical Abilities
Born from a dark and powerful bloodline, Amarok was always destined to be powerful. But even within his own bloodline, he is known to be abnormally powerful. He is both highly skilled in both dark magic and chaos magic. These abilities, mixed with his manipulative personality, make him extremely dangerous.

Natural Born Leader
Due to his natural & intense confidence, many view him as a leader even without him trying. He grasps the opportunity, finding it to be just another form of both manipulation and charm- both of which he excelled in.

Controlling & Manipulating Other
By nature, Amarok is manipulative. And he is very, very, very good at it. He could be labeled a trickster in childhood, but that grew to be much more dangerous in the vein of being highly manipulative & controlling. He shamelessly and relentlessly uses all of his skills to manipulate those around him.

Alluring Others
Since he was born, his natural dark magic and chaos magic naturally drew others towards him. He caught onto this rather quickly and decided to use it to his advantage. He taught himself how to be even more alluring, drawing many in with his charming flirtations in both words and actions.




Coming from a dark and powerful bloodline, Amarok is a talented warlock, despite only ever using dark magic. On the surface, he seems perfectly charming, flirtations easily slipping from his lips and luring people in. His confidence and god complex are alluring to others, especially other magic users. A prime example of this is his prior relationship with Change Pravus. He entered into the courtship knowing how strong the Pravus Bloodline was, their magic levels matching his own. Eventually, his flattery and pretty words won over Change, and the two entered a proper relationship. For over a year, Amarok brought out Change's darkness, drowning her in it without her knowledge whilst using her own darkness to feed his own. He'd brush away her worries with whispers of their greatness...of how they could control the very sway of the world around them with their shared power. This fell apart, however when Change was hit with how far she had fallen…

She begged Amarok to come with her- to fight against the darkness and to step into the light by her side. Any illusions of true love shattered at that moment, his confidence never shaking as he laughed. He told her what a shame it was, that he had such high hopes for the two of them...but it turns out that she was just as pathetic as the rest of them. After breaking her heart, taking her power for himself while still leaving her with the crippling level of darkness that he had caused, he left her behind without a second thought....

OC History

I knew that Amarok would be a darker OC from the moment I received his coat, but only really started to develop his character while talking to my friend, exiledwitch here on Toyhouse. He fit the role of her OC Change’s ex boyfriend, and his manipulative personality only grew from there. He’s 100% a villain with no real change of redemption- he would never take it, even if it was offered. As of October of 2023, he's become tied into a new story...


Coming soon...



Change Pravus

[ Ex-Love Interest ]

Armarok cares little for Change. He looks back on their relationship with a fondness and hunger due to all the power he took from her. He enjoyed how dark she became alongside him, and how powerful they were together. But he didn’t care at all when she tried to make him come with her to the light- he broke her heart and stole her power, shattering her before leaving without ever looking back.



[ Love Interest ]

Shortly after breaking up with Change, Amarok went to a sanctuary in search of his next 'partner', which is where he met Alcina. He was drawn to her power instantly, and stepped in with his charm and manipulation. She fell for it instantly, and the two began their decent into darkness. Knowing just how loyal Alcina is to him...Amarok likes her much more than Change. She's stunning, she's dark, and she's his. He would say that he loves her...but is his love really love? It is more than enough for Alcina.