$35's Comments

anyone in here? (excluding those in the USD folder, and preferably with a similar amount of art, but willing to haggle) https://toyhou.se/osteogoat/characters/folder:3045176

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sorry no one I'd use, thanks for offering!

is there maybe anyone in my th without the tags forever homed or nfo youd trade them for?

sorry no one i think i’d use!

i could offer https://toyhou.se/8419651.sadie possibly?

sorry, but i'm looking for money for this design

Would art interest you? https://sites.google.com/view/mothbxtch

sorry but i'm looking for money for that one!

ty anyway!!<3

Bids here:

Sb !!

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Congrats cashmeresocks you won the auction! I'm gonna dm you details where to send money ^^