Titania Fenrel



2 years, 4 days ago


Titania Fenrel is the daughter of a high-ranking Neverwinter family. She enrolled in a wizard's college at the same time as Nephenee Corrine. The two became close friends, eventually falling in love with each other. When Nephenee summoned her patron and was expelled for the warlock pact, Titania was disgusted and didn't speak to Nephenee for weeks - not even saying a goodbye when she left town. When Nephenee returned months later with her adventuring party, Titania warned Nephenee that several factions had taken an interest in her patron - and her.

A studious wizard, Titania is hard-working and treats her magic as a tool. One would normally find her between a stack of tomes in the library, pouring over some arcane subject few would comprehend or care about. Her current feelings towards Nephenee are, in her words, "complicated." While she thinks what Nephenee did for her powers is profane and horrifying, Titania still cares about her best friend and hopes to find a way to free Nephenee from her pact, whether she wants it or not.