Pandapillers semi open species



2 years, 14 days ago


Pandapillers will be apart of a world called cutesy-crawlers, a mix between cute animals, and bugs!
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Pandapillers are a semi open species, so you can make as many common ones as you want! But to get other traits you need critter coins, which can be obtained for free! 

To get critter coins you need to draw a cutesy crawler, can be your own too!
Though you get more coins drawing mascots, you can draw anyone’s!
Designing your critter will also get you coins 

headshot: 20 CC 

Halfbody: 50 CC

full body: 80 CC

+Shading 20 CC

+Detailed Background 30 CC 

+Detailed Prop 20 CC 

+50 for mascot

You can only buy 1 trait but if you buy a slot for that rarity you can do all traits in that rarity! 

If you don’t want to earn critter coins don’t worry! You can buy them!
1CC=1 Point 

Trait and rarity prices:

Common slot: Free!

Rare trait: 30 CC / Points

Rare slot: 80 CC / Points

Ultra rare trait: 60 CC / Points

Ultra rare slot: 160 CC / Points ( ps pandafly's or the butterfly ver can only be made with an ultra rare slot )

Please make these guys I want a whole bunch of them! >:D

Also make sure to notify me once you’ve made yours so that I can make sure it’s all good! And look at them <3