


2 years, 4 months ago



Amaya is quite a quiet person only speaking up when she has to, and even then she gets stright to the point. Whenever she talks she commonly likes to use formal words and take up as little time as possible. Alongside that she normally likes to talk in a polite manner, but sometimes will just speak her mind and tell someone that she thinks is stupid that they are an absolute buffoon (but this is rare). She commonly gets lost in thought and ends up ignoring everything going on around her, leading to sometimes coming off rude at first when in reality she just barely ever pays attention to anything (even if it intrests her). She likes thinking about things like what if senerios about if there was a small change how many other things would it effect due to the butterfly effect. Once you get to know her she will probably be quite clingy for awhile because your her friend now and it's just what she does. She doesn't really like to be the center of attenion and prefers being on he sidelines watching (well not watching because she doesn't have eyes but you know what i mean (probably)) as other people do things. Also due to her lack of eyes it is hard to read her espression.
fOxsqeBbPw0kypL5jE2VvTVs9ZQtpIhG8bzrrgYQ Art by LivyKitty3
Details 48427001_zdcjMdFs0jENQz9.png Art by LivyKitty3
Full Name Amaya Otori
Species half human half olm
Gender Female
Story/Universe farelin academy

tba - tba

tba - tba

tba - tba


Art by LivyKitty3

  • Her hair has a semi transparent part around it with an anhoge.
  • Her ponytails don't have rubber bands idk how they are staying up lol.
  • Her ponytails contain three layers, one of them resemble a heart, that is intentional.
  • You are allowed to change her outfit but I'd prefer if she was wearing her main outfit.
  • Her tail is taller than her.
  • Her tail is ment to resemble an olms body, and her actual body is small to represent an olms small limbs.

Other Info

Special Atk
Special Def

due to being an olm she needs to be have at least her head in water, but she does have lungs except their bad and almost useless so she uses a fishtank-helmet-thingy so that she doesn't have to use her low-quality lungs. Also she can breath underwater because she's part olm. She doesn't have eyes but for her it just looks and feels like she always has her eyes closed. But her senses other than sight were amplified, making her be able to sense vibrations which is how she hasn't ran into a wall yet. she just thinks that her picking up the right thing whenever she grabs something as just a lucky coincidence or something.

Unimportant Backstory
[This backstory is unimportant to her I just thought that it matched up well with her personality so now it's canon ig] Amaya was born as an only child of a wealthy fanily that wasn't rich enough to be famous but still quite rich. When she was younger only one parent was home (most of the time) to watch her as the other one went on busness trips, commonly alternating over who was home and who was working. but once she gained the skills needed to take care of herself than both of her parents were barely ever home basically allowing her to do whatever she wanted. back when her parents were home they commonly spoke in words that were quite long and formal, leading to Amaya commonly doing that to. At school she was always the quiet kid in the back of the class with average grades. She didn't mind this though. Normally, both at school and at home, she spent her time thinking about micillanious things, like if two kids swapped friend groups or if one person said something else to someone withen one conversation. (idk how to end this lol)

Micillanious Info
[] Her last name is the same as the last name of emu from project sekai because I like emu's last name [] Her skin feels like something dry that had water poured on it without absorbing any of the water [] Her voice claim is ena from project sekai [] She can walk really quietly, you could just be talking to someone and turn around and shes just there, staring at you dispite her lack of eyes, menacingly [] she is abnormally short for her age so people easily confuse her for an elementry schooler []