


6 years, 5 months ago


  • Diana

  • Age 17
  • Gender Girl
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Species Human
  • Date of Creation November 18 2016

Unamused • Deffensive • Secretly Curious

Diana and her twin brother Apollo moved to Melemele Island to live with their step-father for the summer (he raised them until he and their mother split when the kids were 14). Diana didn't take well to moving from Kanto and struggled to learn the language of the Alola region in such a short time. This became an issue when a team skull grunt challenged Diana and Apollo to a fight, the two didn't have pokemon of their own and the grunt threatened them in their language so Diana, a competative boxer at the time, broke his nose.

Diana became good friends with the other teen in town her age, Tama. His family works in reef conservation and she began helping them out in the ocean for something constructive to do. Tama helps Diana become aquainted with wild, wild pokemon and not city pokemon. Diana helps save pokemon, she might have caught the mareanie and taken her home but the city is no place for a water pokemon like that.

Diana came back to the islands a year later. She reunites with mareanie and she and Tama go on their own pokemon journey, maybe a little late but better than never at all.

Her pokemon team consists of a mareanie and sharpedo.





StyleCasual Sporty

Sexual OrientationBi

Canon BirthdaySummer

Design Notes

  • Wears predominately black, red, and yellow
  • Always has big gold hoop earrings on

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