I can maybe offer some art (if you're looking for something in specific!)  + a custom :0 I love their design omg. 

or if that doesn't interest you i might consider an AB jkhfkj

HI LYSSAAAAA I'm def interested :eyes: what sorts of things are u up for doing??


I'm honestly down to do anything, ive been experimenting w my art recently!! do you have anything specific you're looking for? Ive been trying to do more fullboody-busts or chibis like this one :0 

Oh my gosh... Your chibis are so cute Lyss I'm die.... Could I get one of https://toyhou.se/15642049.carme-rouge-de-witte ? :0

ADSHJG thank you :'00 

and yes I can do that! I'll send you a dm when i'm done >:)