lil neapolitan critter's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

juggaloz Global Rules


my terms of service are required and not following them may result in a blacklist. i am a forgiving person so if you happen to break my tos on accident please tell me and we can probably work something out. my tos is in place to keep my art and designs safe!


sell, trade, or gift my designs if you no longer want them.

use my art of a design you own as a profile picture WITH CREDIT. 

make edits to my designs after the ownership is transferred to you. this includes totally redesigning a character, i don’t mind if you change every aspect of their design as long as my original version is still visible somewhere on the design’s profile.


delete my designs. under zero circumstances is this allowed. deleting a design of mine will result in a blacklist.

private my designs. i like to keep track of them! they are my creations and mean a lot to me. please ask for permission if you plan on doing this. if you put a design on auth only please authorize me.

sell, trade, or gift my designs to someone without a (it makes it hard to keep track of the owner). if you must do this for any reason please contact me with the new owner’s information.

use my designs to create anything racist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise offensive.

sell a design for more than you paid unless it comes with additional art. if a design was traded or given to you for free, you cannot sell it unless it comes with additional art.

edit my art. if you wish to change something about a design i’ve made, ask me and i’ll change it for you. or you may get someone to draw the design with whatever changes you want or do so yourself.


currently no one, let’s keep it that way! :3