Barnaby S. Erden



2 years, 4 days ago


Barnaby S. Erden

diplomatic • intellegent • sheepish

Barnaby Sheph Erden
Barnaby or Erden
male (he/him)
6'4" ish
lawyer/legal consultant
gentleman-like, responsible

"As your legal consultant, I'd advise you to stop talking."

Barnaby S. Erden is a well-respected, bigshot lawyer and legal consultant. He's polite, patient, and very capable at his job and dealing with his clients.
However his goals extend far beyond just helping the common people. This man has built a network over the years, looking for information regarding the death of his old mentor, and piecing together loosely connected pieces to a much bigger picture.

  • tea>coffee
  • snacks with his tea/coffee
  • a clear desk
  • getting more than 2 hours of sleep
  • paper cuts
  • waking up to more paperwork
  • loose ends
  • snakes


Barnaby presents himself amicably and in a diplomatic manner so he can walk his clients through their problems and provide options they can take to fix them. He speaks lightly and in a polite tone, but won't hesistate to be firm when needed.
He'd never admit it but he's also a bit sentimental, especially towards clients and people who helped him out during the early stages of his career. Its a lesser known part of Barnaby that he tries to keep underwraps, mostly for safety precautions.

The Shepherd

Things began to change for Barnaby after the death of his old mentor and dear friend, Kougou Nishita, died in an accident. The circumstances around said "accident" were particularly suspicous and left more questions than answers, so Barnaby decided to look further into the case.
Another odd thing was that soon after Kougou's death, mysterous silver boxes appeared inside Barnaby's office. There were files in each box, each folder with a symbol of a crowned white snake printed on them. Inside each file had rather damning information on some rather prominent figures. High profile politicians, infamous mob bosses, CEOs - a whole slew of names and their corresponding dirt where all there in these files.
It slowly dawned to Barnaby, as he noticed the printed snake on the folders resembled Kougou's pet boa and sorted through each file, that his friend wasn't always the kind, silver-tongued man he always knew Kougou to be.

The Shepherd is the alias Barnaby uses when dealing with shadier clients and equally shadier business. The name was created when Barnaby realized the information he now possesses was akin to a poisoned double edged sword. It was turning into quite a dangerous situaton for Barnaby, but he was determined to uncover the truth about Kougou's mysterous death and was more than willing to use everything at his disposal to further that goal.
The Shepherd is cautious as he carefully guides his clients towards their desired goals, offering them needed advice, and gently prods thems towards a favorable decision.
As open as he presents himself to the Shepherd's clients, no one knows The Shepherd's true identity and Barnaby plans to keep it that way.

Design Notes + Aesthetic Board

  • has a tattoo of a spade, heart, diamond, and clover (in that order) on his left hand
  • wears a monocole with a chain attached to one of the horn ornaments
  • he has a small collection of monocles that he'll switch out depending on the occasion
  • even if he's not on the clock, he still wears semi-formal wear when going out
  • prefers to always wear gloves, especially since he handles paper all the time
  • Does he have a tail? Who knows but if he did it'd be the same color as his wool.



Laurel [ friend/guardian ]

Laurel's family was one of Barnaby's first clients during the early days of his career. It seemed the family was prone to getting into all sorts of legal trouble (mostly by accident, Barnaby would recall in exasperation), so it was up to Barnaby help sort them out. They always felt gratitude toward Barnaby and treated him like family. Even after moving up in the world, getting promotion after promotion, and landing richer clients, Barnaby occasionally recalls the family with fondness.
So even after so long, Barnaby was willing to listen to Laurel's parent's request to look after their child when Laurel plans to open move to the city to open a tea shop on their own. It is a bit out of Barnaby's way, but he's quick to accept their request. Since then, Barnaby makes it a habit to visit Laurel and their tea shop, Midori Matcha, regularly. Although he quickly becomes a regular when he finds himself charmed by the quiet atmosphere and the freshly brewed, aromatic teas.


Kigou Nishita [ co-workers ]

Kigou took one look at the obviously fresh-out-of-law-school Barnaby and immediately laughed at the younger man's expense before deciding to take him under his wing. Nearly ten years his senior, Barnaby greatly looked up to Kigou and eagerly took in anything he could learn from the older man. As Barnaby grew older and gained more experience, he quickly grew to rival Kigou and, while they retained a good relationship, Kigou's dislike for losing quickly escalated them to become rivals.
Then Kigou met a sudden and terrible end. It was truly a terrible event for Barnaby and in his grief wanted to find out the circumstances that lead to his friend's death. But the further he looked into case, the more suspecious everything surrounding the situation was. It became obvious to Barnaby that Kigou's death wasn't an accident and vowed to avenge his friend no matter what.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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