Shobal Akinyi



2 years, 1 month ago


Full name: Shobal Akinyi


Age: 64

Gender: Male

Species: Skov Ulv

Coat type: Feathered

Trait: Tajga

Element: Shadow

Soul color: White

Magical abilities: White Ark

Birthplace: Serheim-Shire

City of Residence: Serheim

Status: Alive

Allegiance: Shire kingdom

Rank: King

Mate: Ekua Chika

Parents: Torvald (father) Avaria (mother)-both deceased

Other relation: Jeremias (son) Judeas (son) Absalon (son) Bijou (daughter) Vasuki (son) Finrir (son) Takate (brother) Takena (sister)

First appearance:


Shobal is a harsh, ruthless wolf who seems to hold no emotion for anyone but himself. He is paranoid, jealous, yet confident in his own abilities and does not trust anyone, not even his own sons. He holds grudges and never forgets an insult.

Background story:

The famous king of Shire, Shobal has ruled for 30 years and has no plans of stepping down anytime soon. He rules his country and species with an iron fist and would snuff out any signs of rebellion before a spark becomes an ember. Survivor of many battles, Shobal has learned to trust in no one, not even his own family and he even held a great deal of jealousy for his oldest son, who seemed more loved by the people than him.

When his sons mother died on mysterious circumstances, Shobal was quick to choose a new wife as he was angry on his former wife to not give him more children with the rare feathering that runs in his family and he have come to believe that his son is not even his, but he has found no proof if that is the case. Shobal seem to care a bit more about his new wife and children  


Physical appearance:




Theme song: