


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info











Litter 1

Chesmu, Jinadath



Born during the summer of the -2nd year
Current Age: 3 years

Mate: Nyx
Pack: Woodland Banes (formerly of Primal Oak)
Rank: Herbalist
Pups: Chesmu & Jinadath

Generation: One

Darmon is the cocky sort, he believes he knows all the answers and believes he is superior. His attitude often comes off as abrasive because he just knows he knows more than everyone else. He detests how others act as if the Herbalist job is of lower rank, he believes Herbalists to be the most important to any pack, but when he is alone with the one whom his heart has claimed Nyx he is very different, he is caring, and gentle.

Darmon's parents were medicine wolves from different packs who came together to establish a line of medicine wolves. Half the pups stayed with the father and the other half with the mother. He was never well liked as a pup because of his abrasive and know it all nature. When his former alpha had the chance he pawned him off as part of an alliance to the Woodland Bane pack.
When he joined the Woodland Banes he met a very witty, and in his mind irritating she-wolf named Nyx, who intrigued him in ways he did not understand. She didn't like his attitude and he didn't like hers, but when he knew he needed to produce a line her wittiness is what made her his first choice, Nyx however had different plans, she refused to mate to a male whom she did not love and one that did not have feelings for her, so she made it her goal to make him feel. Darmon began on a journey of discovery learning how to feel.
Nyx and Darmon's love story was one of passion and excitement and not only did she teach him to feel, but they had two handsome male pups, Chesmu and Jinadath, with the aftermath of the Whitehound war Darmon hopes for more time to spend with his growing family, he hopes that taking on Peta as an apprentice (though she isn't the greatest) will help allieviate some of the load.
As Darmon began to train Peta, he noticed quickly her affinity for the herbalist arts, and despite his normal gruff exterior he finds himself taking pride in her accomplishments, and when the Ash Grin pack needed an herbalist, he knew she was ready, while he rarely gives out compliments, the biggest one he could give was his vote of confidence. While training her is still a daily chore since she gets emotional dealing with those she cares for he sees great things for her ahead.
In the winter of the third year, Peta's son Kit came down with an illness, her other son Enyeto, his mate Nyx, and Nanook the Alpha of the Banes followed. He and Peta worked tirelessly day and night to find a cure, despite their attempts none of the herbs in their territory, nor any herbs they had experienced in former territories had any effect upon the disease. The cure was eventually found but not after Kit and Enyeto succumbed to the disease and died. The cure was found in the western pack.