Pond the Cat



2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Pond

Age: Kidult (18-20 years old)

Species: Ragdoll cat

Gender: Nonbinary (he/they)

Type: Speed

Height: 80 cms

Alignment: Good

Team: None (For now)

Occupation: None

Home: Mystic Ruins (Big's house)


Pond is a very cheerful a tiny cat filled with a great amount of energy, they're an avid explorer, they have a natural curiosity and love to learn about his surrounding. He doesn't talk much, what he dos the most is making noises, but he's able to talk, he just prefers not to do it for personal reasons... And it's not like they need it that much anyway, because his companion, Big the Cat, isn't someone of many words either. Because of his curious and energetic behavior, Pond tends to get in troubles pretty often, break things and cause problems, he's truly a mess!



-Frogs, fishes and tadpoles, they LOVE to play in creeks and look for them.

-Fireflies, they like to spend time collecting them or playing around them.

-Hiding in dark places, especially if that means they can jump from their hideout and scare whoever is close.

-Causing a little mischief. As a treat.


-His eyes shine in the darkness. At the same time, he has a great night vision.

-He's perfectly able to talk, but for personal reasons he choses not to do it unless it's strictly necessary.

-He has a small collection of shiny rocks. He doesn't know what type they are or what's their meaning, he just picks up any shiny pretty rock he finds around.