Blaze Earhart



2 years, 1 month ago


Blaze Earhart


Blaze was originally a feral elder dragon from a far off reality- smart, cunning, but heartless. Using their great speed to hunt down prey and strike down those that oppose her. All that changed when she fell through a great schism in the sky, and fell into the Schism Earth- the process of crossing the boundary changing her- awakening her mind to new possibilities- and allowing her to see the world for the first time as it should be.


She went through immigration to become a citizen of the world, her new awakened state making it so that she couldn't be sent back through to her old universe, either disrupting the balance or endangering her life or sentience. She was taught to speak and use her new form- as her tutor said later "I wish I taught her how to stop talking too" - in love with the world around her and not taking a single part of her new perception for granted.


She eventually came to work at the Maiden Menagerie as a savoury chef during nights and soon found a day job using her spectacular flight skill and speed to become an Aerial parkour instructor- since in a world with many people able to fly, why not seek mastery the same way ones can on the ground, with stunts, moving between buildings- as well as generally better control and flow when flying and gliding.


Zeydaan/Isabella recieved occasional tutorage from her when they gained their wings and broom to better fly. Blaze has been invited to attend one or two of the Hawkmoths missions when they would need an expert flyer.


Like most valstraxes, she can jet a firey breath out the vents in her wings to boost herself in the air- and shift her wings into many configurations.