
2 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Female
Age: 15+
Birthday: January 28th
Hometown: Former unknown hometown (destroyed)
Current Home: Jubilife Village

Height: 5'1"
Clothing: Haoris, long skirts and sleeves; when on the field, she'll wear her Galaxy Team uniform
Accessories: Bows
Bag: Crafting Kit, Apricorn, Tumblestone, Potion, Full Heal, Full Restore, Revive, Max Revive, Pokéshi Doll, Stardust, Star Piece, Comet Shard

Favorite Food:
Potato Mochi, dango (Mt. Cornet Cyndaquil Parfait - Brown Sugar Flavor)
Favorite Drink: a variety of tea, Hojicha milk flavour (Hisui Form Zorua's Cookies and Cream Drink)
Flower: Japanese Apricot
Dislikes: Fire (unless it's her Pokemon partner's)
Ume is timid and nervous around unfamiliar people and Pokemon.


Ume immigrated to Hisui from an unspecified region, after her hometown was burned down by maddened Pokemon, two years prior to arrival of the strange visitor from the sky.

In her side quests, she shows an interest in gathering information on certain Pokemon, asking MC to show her Pokedex entries. At the end of the quests, Ume asks MC to battle her.

Platinum: When she first arrived, Ume couldn't help but be suspicious of her at first, wary due to her own trauma and the fact Platinum just appeared one day. As the events in-game progress, they gradually form a bond and become close friends. It helps Ume feel closer to Pokemon and feel more confident.  
Commander Kamado: Her father. When their hometown was destroyed, she had been saved, but had lost her mother in the tragedy. When he banished Platinum, Ume was upset with him over it and defended her new friend. They argued, Ume saying things she doesn't really mean, which hurts Kamado's feelings but he believes he's doing what's right. Ume goes with MC to talk sense into her father, and it's because of this trust and faith in MC that Kamado decides to give MC a chance to prove themself in battle against him.
Professor Laventon

Akane: A friend she considers family.

Shiori: A friend she considers family.

Love Interest

Shiho: Both Shiho and Ume want to learn more about Pokemon, so that tends to be their topic of interest with one another. Shiho loves to info dump to Ume, who listens with sparkles in her eyes. Dawn has helped make it easier for them to learn and discover new things about Pokemon, so they love to discuss things they've learned through her help.  

Rei points out how Shiho is getting a little too close to Ume, asking if she's worried about how Kamado will react- he's their boss and overprotective of his daughter. Shiho doesn't really care, though- she just wants to hang out and talk with Ume. However when it comes to banishing Dawn, despite everything, Shiho weighs the choices in her head and decides to not go against Kamado, not wanting to risk losing Ume.  

Shiho is very thoughtful and thinks things through. Her sensible nature makes Ume feel safe and secure with her.


Cyndaquil → Quilava → Typhlosion (Hisuian)
When Cyndaquil first became her partner, it was hard to tell who was more nervous. Cyndaquil was rather timid, and needed time to become comfortable. Through time, the two form an inseparable bond, and find comfort in each other. 

Zorua (Hisuian)
While Ume had felt resentment and conflicted feelings with Pokemon at first, it was the same for Zorua, who had been exiled from other lands by humans and reborn by their malice towards humans and Pokemon alike. The moment that Ume laid her eyes on Zorua's uneasy expression, she wanted to help.

+ Her favourite mythical is Uxie.
+ She is named after the Japanese apricot. It's also a nod to apricorns within the series.