


2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Poppy Dappuru, Poptart


Female (she/her)




Booksmart, Punctual, Model student, Compassionate


Sabaku County (formerly), Splatlands

Creation Date

February 21, 2021


Poptart is a lavender colored octoling girl that's very studious and responsible. She loves to read and observe, and while she's not very athletically gifted, her positive but calm attitude often boosts morale. 

She was one of the top performing students at her school, a fairly conservative school where she and Akae were formerly enrolled. For a good portion of her time at the school, she wasn't sure if Akae was a real student attending. Her classmates gave her nicknames like the ghost student, and the delinquent student, and Poppy as she went by at this time, didn't think much of it. One day during school, she received a failing grade on a test, and was distraught. School taught her to strive for success, but never how to handle failure, so in a fit, she ran out of the school grounds and cried, where she first met Akae, loitering on top of the school's walls. Akae offered her tissues and a place to calm down, as well as a tart-flavored soda. This is when Akae gave her the nickname Poptart, and they became friends. 

Akae taught Poptart things that their school wouldn't dream of, like how to learn from failure, how to slow down and enjoy life, and Poptart managed to get Akae to come to school more often than she had been, such as days where Akae had both PE and Music class on the same day. They formed a close knit friendship, which was contagious, and lightened the spirits of their adjacent classmates. It took many weeks before Akae realized how her carefree attitude had a positive impact on the kids around her, making them laugh and entertaining them when she sassed a teacher, and Poptart realized that there's so much more to Akae than being a delinquent, implying she was unintelligent and a bad influence, when in reality, she made an effort to make others laugh, she was cool and kind, and excelled in sports and enthusiastically enjoyed making music with the drums and the guitars from her class. 

One peculiar day after school, the two went to their favorite diner, where they saw a commercial advertising the hot new sport, Turf Wars, taking place in the nearby, fast-rising hub, the Splatlands. They made a promise that, together, they'd move to the Splatlands and start a team.