


2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Aglaia Serafina Papadakis
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual
Relations: None
Theme Song: "Another Day of Sun" from La La Land

Aglaia is very extroverted, and gets along with almost everyone she meets. She enjoys time with people, and almost always hates being left alone. Despite this, however, she lives alone. But all she does there is start and end her day; she’s always go, go, going.

She’s very active, spending a lot of time in the local gym. In her free time, she likes to watch and play sports. When asked what her favorite is, she’ll most likely respond, everything. She can’t pick just one; she has her reasons for liking all of them.

She spent a lot of her childhood cooped up, thanks to strict parents always wanting her to spend it studying. They weren’t mean or abusive or anything, they just wanted to make sure she was safe and that she was doing well in school. She rarely ever got to go do things she really wanted to, though.
So because of this, she has a lot of pent-up energy. She wants to try and live the childhood out that she never really got–playing games with friends, socializing until midnight with them, you know the drill.

She gets along best with other people who also have a lot of energy, so she can have people to join her on her gym trips or play sports with her.

Owned since: 2014?