Ri Ha-neul's Comments

I don't know why no one has written for this bab yet, so I guess I'll give it go? Also wanna thank you for Mahou!

Though I wasn't sure what I'd be able to use her for at first, now that I've taken some good looks she seems to fit really well with this character I've had for awhile. I think Ri could live in an off story timeline between the present and my future world. Gav is her personalized "doll", or robotic assistant, who she spends most of her time with. As his handler, she repairs him to the best of her ability and attempts to show him the beauty of human emotion.
Ri is an incredibly sweet and excitable young girl, always storing goodies and other trinkets in her pocket *yeah I'm going with the monster mouth being a zipper*  She's often called weird and annoying for how often she butts into conversations. Still, she remains positive and happy the best she can. She'll also always have Gav to support her.

I would be using Ri for art, writing, and a simple bridge in my timeline. She'd also finally provide me use for the character linked above. ^^'