
code by BunBox


AKA Chrys, Sour


Name Chrysaor Kokkinos
Age 25 years old
Species Changeling
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns they/them
Height 6'1"
Occupation TBA
Orientation Bisexual
Voicelcaim Lor - BL3
Playlist The Sword
Theme Song Terror Nights
Alignment Neutral Good
Zodiac Aquarius
Tarot The Wheel of Fortune
Discipline Alter
School Synomancy, Tenemancy


  • Is the original story version of my Pkmn Askblog Chrysaor!
  • Has D.I.D. and their main alters include; Eden (they/she), Wynathera (he/him), and Navarre (xey/xem). Chrysaor fronts the most and Eden the least(of the main 4). They have various others that rarely front
  • Is both a medium and has the ability to see the past/future through visions
  • Was a Soul Elf when they were born and was turned into a Changeling sometime during their youth. Becoming a Changeling is what caused the lotus plants to start growing on them!


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

Chrysaor is about as friendly as they come, a real social butterfly! Most of the time they're happy to make conversation with just about anyone they run into, but they have been known to have hard opinions on things they deem right or wrong. Chrys believes strongly in treating others right and respecting one another. They're also a bit of a dreamy airhead, prone to going off on tangents and floating in and out of life. Despite their outgoing nature, Chrys is very skittish when it comes to physcial touch and will avoid being super close to others because of that. They're a bit of an old soul- when talking it's easy to get the impression that Chrysaor has experianced much in life, despite clearly being on the young side.




Chrysaor has a very hard time remembering details of their past- to them it's like wading through deep, foggy water. They can only ever pull certain details out at a time. From the best of of their efforts their life went like this; they had good parents and a lovely sibling(whose names and genders change everytime Chrys tries to recall them). While they can't remember specific events, they do know that they were well-loved and grew up very happy.

Around the age of twenty-four, Chrysaor went through something they deemed as being "awakened". While they struggled to remain present in their life up until that point, suddenly they became completely aware of where they were. They also started having flashbacks of lives that didn't belong to them, but they still recognized as theirs. Chrys believes these flashes as being their past lives and has been trying to piece them together to the best of their ability. It was around this time, as well, that Chrys discovered that they were a medium- and that they seemed to be haunted by one spirit in particular who couldn't leave their side.



A spirit that is seemingly tied to Chrys' lifeforce. Neither of them knows why and while Chrys views the two of them as friends, Micah does not agree with that sentiment at all.