I love the little backstories you give these guys, they're SO creative and so interesting always

WAAHH thank you!! I really try!! Sometimes people totally miss them, other times it's the reason why people buy them. This guys Β bell eyes made me wanna keep him, but I don't like his colours personally lol. I might keep the Angel Gamer lol, he's super pretty to me!!! He's also modeled after MoistCritikal hehehe!

Hey, they're yours first and foremost, so I say keep whichever ones you want!! I really like the work you put in to make them all feel like special little guys!

WAAHH that's so sweet of you to say!! I Β don't see them as mine first, but I Β see it in a way. I kept Angel Gamer but sold the rest :)) waaah I'm so glad they're special!! I love making little facts about each one!! Hehe~