Yuukie Sakaki



6 years, 6 months ago



榊 遊喜

17 ✦ Female ✦ Pendulum

"Let the games begin!"


Yuukie Sakaki is the daughter of Yuuya Sakaki and Mimi Hideyoshi. She lives in the Pendulum dimension and attends Maiami High School during the day, and You-Show Duel School in the evenings. With her Ame-Ju deck, she's training to become an entertainment duelist just like her father.

She's 17 years old, and she was born on September 3rd at Maiami General Hospital, where Sarah helped oversee her birth.


✦ 5'5", 121 lbs ✦

Yuukie is a somewhat short girl with an average build. Her skin is fair, and she inherited her fathers pinkish-red eyes. Her hair is a faded red color on the bottom with a brownish-green on top and black in the bangs. It's very long and wavy, and she wears the top layer tied back into a loose ponytail with a star-shaped pin. She wears the rest loose, and has her bangs feathered out across her face.

She wears a tan tanktop and a brown plaid skirt under a ripped green sweater with darker accents and pale yellow stars on the sleeves. On her legs she wears olive green thigh-high socks and brown combat boots that almost reach her knees. Around her neck she wears a brown choker with a tan buckle, and a gold crescent moon necklace. During the school day she wears the standard Maiami High School uniform with navy blue thigh-high socks, and brown dress shoes. Her duel disk is red with a green blade, and she wields it on her left arm.

  • yes
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

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