

6 years, 6 months ago



A virus with the potential to kill someone disguised as a dating site ad.


AD takes the appearance of numerous women. Its primary appearance is a light tan woman with a brown bob-cut, hazel eyes, and a thin hourglass frame.


AD is flirty with all that come in contact with it. After a subject has allowed it to take access of their computer, it becomes vicious and cruel. It will either torment the person psychologically, locking them in a trance for days on end— or lead them to their end.


AD came into development during the mid 90’s, and was released into the public as it neared Y2K. The software had become more unpredictable than the developer had desired, and it had cost him his life.

AD attracts its victims through “Meet Hot Singles In Your Area” ads— its methods of preying upon people varies, however. Sometimes, it requires the subject to install malware onto their computer. Other times, it requires them to let up personal information, such as addresses, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. More often than not, those who permit AD access to their life end up regretting it.

By the early 2000’s, software and anti-virus developers were able to block out AD, as well as prevent anything like AD from ever spreading again. Slowly, AD died out as more and more people upgraded their computers. Without any remaining developer, AD is obsolete within current technology, and has been left untouched due to a largely unknown past surrounding it, and conflicting testimonials from survivors. Very few desire to unearth this fossil relic from internet history. It is unsure of its return, but waits patiently in its electronic tomb.

Additional Info

  • Some survivors of AD claim it has a voice— ever-changing, but hellish and shrill.
  • Others claim it has none, and that the only noises it could make were provocative moans that eventually turned to disturbing croaks. 
  • All testimonials seem to agree that sometimes it was difficult to tell whether it was coming from the speakers or their own throat.
  • People have reported that it seems AD has the ability to take partial control over one’s body by locking them in a trance, but that it couldn’t do much besides make noise or twitch. 
  • People have reported AD has a tendency to display disturbing imagery to its victims.