


2 years, 1 month ago



aprox. 4.8 mil

male (he/him)


male preference


  • Earth equivalent altmode would be a Scion FRS, though he was never fast enough on Cybertron to be considered a speedster.
  • Theoretician, tasked as a frontliner prior to being reassigned.
  • Inconsistent and flighty with hobbies, jumps from one interest to another.
  • Sided with the Autobots during the war, despite expressing opinions that agreed with Decepticon motivations prior to the fall of the Senate.

Design Notes

  • original designer is @torrentarts on instagram! character was bought as an adopt. current value: $165.
  • Visor is optional, piercings are optional.
  • Lore / story is based in and around the IDW comics universe.
  • Altmode was based off of @blufrs on instagram by original designer!


A theoretician-in-training prior to the war, Sideswitch earned the full version of his title shortly before the fall of the Senate and the Decepticon uprising, and aligned himself with the Autobots within the first few years. He operated as a frontliner for a short period before higher ranking mecha found his education and abilities to be of better use elsewhere, and he worked his way into the special ops numbers from there.

Sideswitch spent a period of the war documenting reconnaissance data on various topics, and fed what little he could discern back to Autobot signals he was able to retrieve in short frequencies. When he wasn't collecting reconnaissance data, Sideswitch functioned as a deployable special ops agent for the Autobot cause.