Adopt's Comments

Does anyone in my TH interest you? Anyone with a "⍟" in their name are offlimits. Other than them, nobody else is off-limits for this offer, so feel free to press 'View All'! though if you do see someone who is offlimits, feel free to let me know! i may be willing to trade :D

Also, I'm willing to trade more than one oc if you'd prefer that. and do you think you can let me know if you don't see anyone? it helps me keep track [which i find really hard to do due to a memory disorder]

Heyo! Im sorry for the later reply! I really liked these characters if youd trade one or both? (I could add any character/s outside of mains if youd like for both^^) :0

I can do both maybe the oc bellow? [it would be minus this adopt if youd like]

if not id have to think about doing one of them for the adopt :]

I could definitely do both of them!^^ Ill go ahead and transfer the characters :)