
2 years, 1 month ago


This character is part of a closed species called Devoma you can find out more about them here

V's full name is Vadim Davrik Volnith but they prefer just going by the letter V

They were a bit of a reckless teen in their youth and got into a lot of trouble. Even now as an adult they still get themselves into trouble now and again due to their aggressive personality. V is sort of cocky in a way as well but knows when to back down if things get a bit too heated. They currently operate a small and constantly changing fleet of spacecrafts that they use to undertake various odd jobs in the cosmos. Some of their most common jobs are cargo transport be it people or product alike.

Also they scream at fish...

This is just a very basic bio for them. I'll make a more in-depth one later.

<< Basic >>

Name Possibilities: Vadim Davrik Volnith
(these three are just name suggestions I came up with. I haven't decided yet.)

Nickname: V
(This is subject to change but please refer to them as V for now)

Gender presentation: masculine or androgynous

Pronouns: They/Them preferrably but will accept any pronouns

Orientation: Pansexual/Demiromantic

<< Personality >>

- Honest, Confident, Fearless, Curious/Adventurous, Determined, Impulsive, Aggressive, Questionable Morality, Selfish (somewhat), Tactless -

In the past V was known to be very timid and antisocial mostly due to bullying from others over a lack of control in their shapeshifting abilities. Even still they've always been very adventurous and loved to get into places and situations that they probably shouldn't be in.

Nowadays though, V is best described to be a bit of an oversized gremlin. They love to cause trouble and are very sarcastic and "in your face." Sometimes their newfound confidence and impulsive nature still leads them into situations that might not spell out a good time for them or anyone involved.

Their impulsiveness can also sometimes lead them to do things that could leave a (usually negative but sometimes positive) lasting effect on others. They typically do what they want regardless of the consequences. This can include some more morally questionable things in some circumstances.

They still do have somewhat of a moral compass though and if the negative consequences of their actions get forcefully shoved into their face they aren't afraid to admit defeat and try to reconcile with those they've wronged.

They also have a long standing grudge against the Xoov and their Goonie underlings specifically due to an event that occured in their late teenage years. Otherwise, they typically prefer mingling with larger and more aggressive or intimidating individuals or species.

They've also gained a new appreciation for their appearance as well and now use their size and odd look to their advantage in some situations.

<< Bio >>

Tw: death/violence

V's mother had a couple of harsh complications during her pregnancy leading up to V's birth which resulted in her death shortly after. V also ended up with a couple of abnormalities due to their rough time in utero, one of which being their lack of control over their physical form. They still have limited shapeshifting abilities but it's nothing close to what their peers were able to accomplish. V was also a large child albeit very lanky due to a faster than average metabolism caused by the size of the batteries in their tail. This required them to consume more energy than the average devoma in order to survive which left his father scrambling a bit when it came to keeping his child fed. Even still, they made ends meet and V's father was very loving and supporting.

Whenever V crossed paths with other devoma as they grew older typically they ended up being bullied for their inability to naturally change their appearance coupled with their physical oddities. This caused them to be a bit of a social isolationist in an attempt to escape the ridicule. Over time though, they began to use their size and odd appearance to intimidate others even turning into a bit of a bully themselves. Although they might have had a more rough childhood than some it wasn't all bad as they were able to gather a small group of friends who loved and supported each other. Some might have broken off on their own paths as they entered adulthood but a couple stayed behind in the group and would still hang out together from time to time.

V ended up doing a lot of odd jobs as they aged to try and make the ends meet for them and their father before deciding to go off on their own into the world to try and search for better work. Even to this day V mostly does little odd jobs here and there that others might not want to do in-between their main occupation.

As they grew into their appearance they also decided to get a couple of body mods, mainly the numerous piercings strewn across their face, but a couple of other things as well. Upon realizing they didn't NEED to shapeshift in order to change how they looked it made them come to terms with their disibility and they now use body modification to their advantage as a confidence booster. They have plans in the future to do other body mods but at the moment have settled with what they have.

During one of their little hangout sessions V was going for a test drive in their new spacecraft they purchased with some savings. Unbeknownst to them they were approaching the territory of a group of powerful Goonies. Upon getting found they were instantly attacked by what appeared to be the leader of the group. Rather than stick around to see what happens V was quick to get themselves out of dodge, not even bothering to see what had attacked them or their friend. Little did they know, in their scramble to get out of dodge they've left said friend back with the group only to be completely torn to bits as a tribute to the Xoov. Not knowing what attacked them were just a group of Goonies, V assumes based on their vague size and power that the group were but a single Xoov based on the myths about the species passed along through generations of devoma. Due to this they now harbor a personal grudge against the species and have taken up a new career as a goonie hunter in an attempt to avenge their friend's death and reconcile with the fact that their death was directly correlated to V's own actions.

In-between all of that they also take up odd jobs and exhibit some pirate-like behavior when deemed necessary. In present day they're somewhat known as a bit of a galactic menace but not enough to be exhiled or hated. Others within the galaxy treat them as errand runners more than anything albeit some are irritated with their pirating behavior. Within their own crew V is known as the captain of a very small armada made up of mostly non-devoma. For the most part they're respected among their crew not for their physical power or intelligence but rather their honesty, understanding, and cooperation. They know when to acknowledge others abilities over their own and how to manage a team although they're not exactly stupid or weak either.

<< Important Anatomy Facts >>

Height: 7'3" or 2.21 m

Ears are slightly taller than the head when sticking up straight

Their tail is considered thin compared to most other devoma but they make up for this with the length of said tail. It's 2x the full length of their legs.

They have a limited shapeshifting ability compared to others of their species due to complications their mother had during pregnancy and birth. Due to this they have a couple of physical attributes they've struggled to come to terms with as they aged as they're incapable of changing themselves as drastically as others may.

Their lack of control over their body's proportions has left them to have a low body fat percentage. They have a very long and lanky look but over time they were able to bulk up slightly through eating and exercize.

They also have an unusually long neck and oddly shaped eyes. When deliberatly held wide open, V's stare has an unnerving effect on most who lock eyes with them as they look much larger than they actually are.

They have pink palms and long fingernails that were sharpened to a point.

The white lines in their eyes are part of the sclera and not the pupil.

Their tongue has the same pattern as the one featured on the top of their tail. The rest of their mouth though is a teal green color.

Their skin is smooth even if their dark markings insinuate texture.

They've had three holes drilled into the horn on their head and their tongue is split down the center.

They are incapable of growing eyebrows.

The fin on the end of their tail is not transparent.

<< Mutations >>

Long horn


Fish Tail

Smooth Eyes

Jailbroken Eyes

<< Other Appearance Info >>

They commonly wear false metallic gold lashes.

Piercings: 3 holes near the base of the horn, 6 dermals on the forehead, 2 surface cheek piercings, 2 bridge piercings, small gauges in each ear, a cartilage piercing in each ear, canine bites, and two tongue piercings (one on each side)

All piercings are completely removeable by themselves except for the surface and dermal piercings. All facial piercing tips/ends can be changed out as well as various earrings/gauges.

They typically wear punk styled clothing but don't seem to mind whether it's feminine or masculine in presentation. They also sometimes wear shoes (they need to be made specifically for their feet though...)