★★★ Peregrine [UFT]



8 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer

Basic Info






Neutral, they/them pronouns


Young Adult

Soul Stone

A rock from it's snowy home. Aside from it's rough, jagged edges it's rather unremarkable.




cloak from home adorned with golden beads and markings

Trait list

No fur (rare), pointed nub horns (common), pointed fur-less ears (common), lizard style tail (common)


pls check my profile for what I'm interested in trade-wise! ♥

Species group | Masterlist (#101)

Personality: Friendly, always wanting and willing to help another Mawmaw if they can. They don't like confrontation or fighting and will avoid trouble if at all possible. They wont abandon anyone though, even if it means putting themselves in harm's way.
Backstory: Their home town is situated in the icy mountains, and while the community is large it's rather spread out as the terrain is uneven at best. This usually isn't a problem for most Mawmaws born there as while huge, full coats are uncommon among Mawmaw in general they're quite common up in the mountains. And even for Mawmaw with normal sized manes there are enough Wind and Water Mawmaws populating the area help control the snow and keep back even the worst snow storms. Unfortunately for Peregrine, it has neither of these things going for them. No mane to speak of and short fur all over it's body leaves this Mawmaw dependent on those around it just to get by. As no matter how much it masters control of the wind the air around it is still ice cold.
After years of trying to live in such a harsh climate that they just weren't suited for they made the hard decision of leaving their home, friends, and family. The community came together for them, some helping to make a travelling cloak, others gathering as many food items and supplies as they could manage to carry, some even travelling with them for as much of the journey as they could.
But eventually Peregrine was alone on it's journey.
It was hard. Bitterness set in against their will. Then guilt and what they'd brought on themselves. But over time as they traveled and saw different parts of the world they met other Mawmaws, and things got better-- easier. Many Mawmaw were even kind enough to take them in for a few days, most taking pity on them if nothing else.
Peregrine began to enjoy travelling, passing through new places every few days and getting to know Mawmaws it otherwise would have never gotten to meet. Eventually, after enough travelling, they came upon a desert. It was a harsh place, one that not many Mawmaw couldn't withstand the heat of easily. Peregrine fared well, enjoyed the warmth and only wore it's cloak from home for reasons of sentimentality and shade on days where there was nothing to shelter it from the blistering sun. Overall they enjoyed the heat, finally feeling as if they belonged.
They made great progress in improving their magic in their months of travel, both out of need and loneliness. There were very few other Mawmaws in the large, harsh land of the desert, but they would often come across Mawmaws trying to make it through the desert for one reason or another. So they would travel with them using their wind powers to help keep the travelling Mawmaws as cool as the dry air allowed and guiding them. By now, after so long, they knew of all the best routes with the most shade and best natural resources.
While they never ended up settling down in one place, instead setting up base as they needed in abandoned ruins or buildings in the desert, they found they enjoyed this life. It wasn't the same as having a town to call home, but they enjoyed bonding with the Mawmaws they helped. Before summer could set in, when the heat of the desert would get to it's worst and most other Mawmaw knew better than to attempt to cross it, Peregrine would begin the trek back home. Some years visiting the places they passed through a few months before, other times taking a new path simply to see where it led them. Either way the destination each summer was always home, back to the mountains. They'd stay for as much of the summer as they could manage, reconnecting and catching up with friends and family. Then they're off again, back for the desert warmth and the journey that gets them there.

* per·e·grine
coming from another country; foreign or outlandish. late Middle English: from Latin peregrinus ‘foreign,’ from peregre ‘abroad,’ from per-‘through’ + ager ‘field.’