Leevi "Leon" Edwards



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


31 (For the 10+ Future RP)


Leon (Everyone, he insists)



Special Ability

Mind Control (With direct eye contact, Leon can give a command that cannot be disobeyed. It causes him great pain, so he must be wise when he chooses to use it).


November 17th








Unlike his Alternate-Reality counterpart, Leon has completely shrugged of the idea of normalcy. He is the "Phantom" all hours of the day, as the result of a prolonged dissociative episode, and the removal of his mask sends him into a crisis.






Jewels (they're all he really cares about now), building things (loves tiny trinkets)


Thunderstorms (the sounds send him into a panic), blood (can't stand the sight, it makes him black out), having his mask removed


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

But not all stories begin in Sparta. Sure, some may end up there, but who says they had to begin in this reckless little town? While "Leon's" story begins in Sparta, it's not the Sparta you know...rather an alternate version from a separate reality. In addendum, Leon's story only really picks up when he's crossed the dimensional barrier, and the planetary one as well...lucky he was found, and is now currently  being rehabilitated, or he'd have lost his head for thievery in this vastly different environment...

Physical Description:

Leon is a tall man with a long, thin build. If he took care of himself, he could be toned...but as it is now he rarely eats or sleeps. He is a black fox, and the inside of his ears/the tip of his tail is white.

He has long bushy hair that is in horrid condition. It bushes up around his face and he hasn't combed it ever. He has strange, affected purple eyes. The irises are visibly white.

Leon's history is similar to his counterparts...at first. He grew up grew up in a foreign country, in which he and his family suffered from a miserable poverty. Leon picked up his kleptomaniac tendencies in this environment, stealing sapphire's and coin from the 1% and bringing them to his family. In response, his family chose to ween him off stealing by nurturing another love: a love for machines. Leon's father taught him everything he knew about building, and with his help, Lee built impressive machines and showed an advanced intelligence growing up. When they escaped to Sparta to start their new lives, Leon was on the fast track to becoming a gifted and talented student. However, it wasn't to be. His path diverges from his counterpart here...

For as long as Leon can remember, he has had the mysterious ability to control other people. His father taught him to be polite and careful with his powers, but Leon would often use them to steal. He still does. How can he not when it makes his job so easy? All he has to do is make eye-contact with someone, give them a command, and watch them go. Doing this causes him great pain, however, and he cannot do it more than once. If he does, he risks passing out.


Leevi Edwards. At various times in his life, there have been points of diversion. Choosing to steal his first gem, whether to become the "Phantom" or to live out the rest of his days in petty thievery, choices like these have proven to be fateful during the course of his life. "Lee-Prime" has trudged onward through life in a bit of a mess...but what becomes of his offshoots? What becomes of the Lee that didn't awaken his kleptomania? What becomes of the Lee who never donned a mask? In the case of "Leon," the life-choice untaken is perhaps the most important: what becomes of the Lee who rode in the car with his parents during their fatal accident?

For a long period of time after the incident, "Leon" (as he will be called for simplicity's sake) was in a state of perpetual disassociation. Unlike his prime-counterpart, who would switch back and forth between three different personas, Leon decided the world had no need for him--only the "Phantom." Leon fully immersed himself in the person of the mysterious gentleman thief, with a flair for the dramatic and a stunning amount of hubris. Never did he take the mask off, rather, the mask became him. It was easier to pretend to be someone else than to deal with your traumas, and Leon survived many days with this unhealthy coping mechanism.

But after crossing dimensions, and planets, to the prime-version of Ehatr, Leon's world began to change. He was captured and rehabilitated by a kind group of "freedom-fighters," and during this period of healing, let his mask down for the first time. The Leon inside revealed to be a heavily nervous and tired individual. Easily startled and a bit of a push-over, Leon spends most of his time alone in his lab building. He is nervous around people, and too many in one place make him anxious. Leon tries to stay out of peoples way, and tries to avoid his counterpart as much as possible due to his jealousy.

He's a very nice man, if not completely socially inept. He hasn't been "himself" in a while, and he's still trying to get the hang of interactions. Leon is a bit of a pushover, and can be told what to do without any real resistance. He fears the anger of others, and doesn't want to rock the boat any more than he already has. He's very sensitive, and his nerves are delicate. You have to take great care around him!

For the most part, Leon has been improving greatly during this "rehabilitation" period. He's beginning to cope with his traumas slowly, and is now allowing himself to interact with others and enter relationships with other people. Sometimes it can be a lot, but he always has people behind him; ready to catch him if he falls. Leon's usually in danger of falling, so this is good. Another day, another thing that frightens him into submission...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Leon's strengths are similar to his counterparts. He is almost impossibly intelligent. If he had continued his education, he probably would have more than one Ph.D to his name. He would have done a lot of good for the world. Leon has an ingenious mind when it comes to machinery, and he can create intricate devices to assist him in thievery. He, unlike his counterpart, isn't afraid to get lethal while under the guise of the "Phantom," as he enters an intense dissociative episode whenever he puts on the mask. Also, his mysterious ability to mind-control people with a glance is (obviously) a wonderful strength for him.

However, Leon cannot use this ability of his more than once. It's essentially one, golden get-out-of-jail-free card, because to use it more than once will knock him out. Leon is emotionally weaker than his counterpart--a lot can seriously trigger him. The sight of blood, the sound of thunderstorms, even just having the "Phantom" mask in his hands create different, extreme reactions in him.

 Bonus Facts:

- Cannot stand the sight of blood. His counterpart has a similar problem, but Leon cannot even be in the same room as someone bleeding. The smell and sight send him into panic attacks.

- Leon suffered damage to his brain during the accident that scarred his face, and took his parents away from him. He suffers from a condition known as "topographical disorientation," meaning that he has great difficulty creating cognitive maps and familiarizing his surroundings. He often gets lost, and to assist with this, he built a GPS-like sensor into his watch that will guide him through familiar and unfamiliar areas.

- Due to this same accident, Leon is also, mysteriously, virtually unable to lie. If you ask him a question, he will tell you what he's feeling--he has a very hard time keeping things from others.

[ * Ehatr and the subsequent lore belongs to ShadowRose17! * ]